Monday 2 March 2020

एचपीसीएल ने लॉंचकिया “एचपीशाइन” - HPCL launches ‘HP Shine’

दिनांक : 02. 03. 2020
स्थान : मुम्बई 
एचपीसीएल नेअसंगठितपेंटऔरसंबद्धउद्योगकीमांगकोपूराकरनेकेलिएपहलीबारब्रांडेडएमटीओको "एचपीशाइन" बैरलमेंप्रस्तुतकियाहै।गुरुग्राममेंक्षेत्रीयप्रबंधकसम्मेलनकेदौरानएचपीसीएल अध्यक्षएवंप्रबंधनिदेशक, श्रीमुकेशकुमारसुराणानेकार्यात्मकनिदेशको तथाअन्यवरिष्ठअधिकारियोंकीउपस्थितिमेंएचपीशाइनकोलॉन्चकिया।
एचपीसीएलविशेषउत्पादखंड,जिसमेंखनिजतारपीनतेल (एमटीओ) शामिलहै,कीआपूर्तिमेंप्रमुखप्रतिस्पर्धियोंमेंसेएकहै।निजीप्रतिस्पर्धियोंऔरआयातसेकड़ीप्रतिस्पर्धाकेबावजूद, एचपीसीएलनकेवलअपनेप्रदर्शनकोबनाएरखनेमें, बल्किइसउत्पादखंडमेंवृद्धिऔरलाभप्रदताहासिलकरनेमेंभीसक्षमरहीहै।इसविकासमार्गकोजारीरखनेकेलिए, एचपीसीएलअसंगठितक्षेत्रमेंनएअवसरोंकीतलाशकररहीहै, जिन्हेंआमतौरपरकममात्राकीआवश्यकताहोतीहैऔरइसइसलिएबाजारमेंछोटेआयातकों / व्यापारियोंऔरपुनर्विक्रेताओंपरनिर्भरहोतेहैं।अब 210 लीटरकी'एचपीशाइन' एमटीओबैरलकेसाथ, ग्राहकअपनीजरूरतोंकोपूराकरनेकेलिएएचपीसीएलकेविश्वसनीयब्रांडपरभरोसाकरसकेंगे। 

Date : 02.03.2020
Place: Mumbai
HPCL has introduced for the first time ever, branded MTO in barrels “HP Shine”, for catering to the demand of the unorganised paint and allied industry. ‘HP Shine’ was launched by our Chairman & Managing Director, Shri Mukesh Kumar Surana at Gurugram recently in the presence of Functional directors and other senior officials during the Regional Manager’s Conference.
HPCL is one of the major players for supplies of Speciality Products segment which includes Mineral Turpentine Oil (MTO). Despite stiff competition from private players and imports, HPCL has not only been able to sustain its performance but also show major growth and profitability in this product segment. In order to continue this growth trajectory, HPCL is looking for new opportunities in the unorganised sector which typically require smaller quantities and thus rely on small importers/traders and resellers in the market. Now with 210 lts ‘HP Shine’ MTO barrels, customers will be able to rely on trusted brand of HPCL for fulfilling their needs.

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