Wednesday 13 May 2020

TRA's Coronavirus Corporate Insights Whitepaper

Corporates expect economic normalcy to take nearly 17 months: TRA Whitepaper
Global recession, health crisis, bleak economic outlook, social unrest on top of corporate concerns
Mumbai. 13th May, 2020: A fortnight after it released a survey on consumer insights, TRA Research, a consumer insights and brand analytics company today released its second report "TRA’s Coronavirus Corporate Insights 2020", a whitepaper from a research conducted across 16 cities with 101 corporate respondents from 8th April to 4th May 2020. The TRA survey indicates that corporates, on average, perceive it will take 66.1 weeks (16.5 months) to achieve economic normalcy, while for full health normalcy, they feel it will take 15 weeks (3.8 months) more.
Chandramouli, CEO, TRA Research, elaborated on the findings, “The biggest concerns of Corporate India are of Global recession which is 66% on the Worry Index, followed by India’s inability to overcome the health crisis at 59%. Three important factors of Business survival, India’s bleak economic outlook and Social unrest, all had a Worry Index of 57%, showing the many concomitant challenges that corporate India was grappling with at the moment. Shaky Consumer Confidence remains lowest on the Worry Index at 39% showing ‘Little Worried’, possibly implying corporates are currently more concerned about the larger picture leading to disruptions.”
“Considering the Covid impact, the highest was Revenues for the year at 75% Impact Index, followed by Advertising at 64% impact, showing that the first cuts were in immediately controllable expenses, especially in the light of the negligible demand for many sectors during the lockdown”, Chandramouli added.
The survey revealed the Coping-Worry gap among Upper Management was the highest at 32%, and perhaps there is just too much on the plate of the top management to cope with everything together. The other challenge of the Upper Management is perhaps the external show of strength they have to present, despite their personal fears and anxieties.
On the priority of corporates, OPEX reduction has the top slot with 69.5% priority, CapEx reduction is the second highest priority at 65.5%, Business Strategy taking 64.5% priority, Company Operations are at 56.5% priority and, contrary to what many would believe, Manpower cost reduction is the very last what that corporates look at, which stands at 51.5% priority.
About TRA Research
TRA Research, a Comniscient Group company, is a consumer insights and brand intelligence Company dedicated to understanding and analyzing stakeholder behavior through two globally acclaimed proprietary matrices of Brand Trust and Brand Desire. TRA Research conducts primary research with consumers and stakeholders to assist brands with their business decisions based on Consumer Behavior insights.
TRA Research is consulting brands on transitioning during and after the Covid-19 crisis, to help them be more aligned to consumer and client expectations. TRA Research is the also the publisher of TRA’s Brand Trust Report and of TRA’s Most Desired Brands.

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