Monday 1 March 2021

#Czechspecials – Czech Republic on a plate

You name it and The Czech Republic has it; be it fresh in-season berries, wild local fish, various meats, gorgeous organic produce and more. The Czech Republic has a wide range of traditional foods with a diverse palette of flavors. Eating like a local and getting to know your destination’s traditional food and cuisine is another way of better understanding the culture of the place.

Are you familiar with Czech cuisine? If not, then you might want to get acquainted with it because the Czech Republic offers some of the most delicious food to stuff your belly!

Czech food is tasty, comforting, filling and addictive, so make sure you reserve enough time to walk off those calories. Here are a few dishes:

1. Tradition Czech Wedding Pastries

June is the peak wedding season. Weddings are usually associated with a number of traditions – the most common being the wedding pastry preparation. Filled with at least three types of fillings, the pastry can vary significantly in dough (butter-based, yeast or rolled) and they can be filled with a quark filling, nut filling, poppy seed filling or plum-jam filling.





2. Czech Dumplings

One of the most popular side dish in Czech cuisine are dumplings. Czech dumplings are traditional savory and sweet dumplings created with various ingredients. The main savory varieties include houskový - made with soaked bread; bramborové - made with mashed potatoes; syrove - made with cheese, and the plain yeast dumplings.

While the sweet variations are filled with fruit and served as a dessert, the savory dumplings are usually formed in a roll, boiled or steamed, and served sliced. They can also be enriched with smoked meat, different herbs, or diced onions. Regardless of the type, these Czech dumplings are so fragrant and succulent and they will leave you wanting more! 

3. Soups of the Czech Republic

A meal in the Czech Republic usually always begins with a soup. Czech cooks are masters in cooking the most amazing and flavorsome soups. Soup is undoubtedly an important chapter in the traditional Czech cuisine. Czech Soup is not only a dish but also a cure!

Soup with fresh vegetables and good-quality meat is a delicacy that is offered even in luxurious restaurants. Potato soup with mushrooms ranges among the most popular Czech soups. It is prepared with vegetables and potatoes cut in small pieces, together with mushrooms. Other soups prepared in different versions all over the country include kyselo (sourdough and mushroom soup) or kulajda, garlic soup, chicken noodle soup, Dill soup etc.

4. Traditional Easter Stuffing.

Every year, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon of spring. Among the traditional Easter dishes that still appear upon the table for this day is the “lamb cake”, the “Judas rope”, sweet Easter bread (mazanec) or Easter stuffing. The traditional Easter stuffing (nádivka) has a variety of names in differing dialects – and equally as many compositions. Its base is white bread – cubes of sliced buns or baguettes, eggs, milk, and above all fresh green herbs.. Additional ingredients could include bacon, sliced ham, or wild mushrooms.

Whether you choose traditional or modern, you’ll find Czech cuisine does not disappoint.

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