Tuesday 9 March 2021

International Women's Day 2021 - Here are a few trendsetting achievers who have defied the stereotypes

India, March 2021:International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 to honour the achievements of women. We mark this special time with a list of some of the most impressive achievers in their respective fields who with their personal and professional choices, have blazed new trails in the industry.

1)Ms Vidya Narayanan - CEO & Co-founder- Rizzle:

Women have careers that are rife with glass ceilings, stereotypical binds, and familial orthodoxy. To add to that, with a country and culture that naturally puts domestic responsibilities on women, subliminal biases that automatically assume that women have less time to work, and a pandemic that disproportionately hit women, questions such as can we really achieve equality come to mind.

Despite all of that, female leaders are now more tenacious than ever. Women have been actively championing technology that will not only enable other women but also empower them. And that makes all the difference. Take our app example- majority of our creators are women! That's because we are working towards creating a safe and positive community for everyone, especially females, and empowering them with a platform to be vocal.

Summing it up, innovation, continuous development, having an identity, and rising above all of society's prejudices are crucial for every female entrepreneur to succeed.

2)Ms Aprajita Bhargava Bhasin, COO , East Lifestyle:

It’s not easy being a woman, but there is nothing more sacred than being a woman. There’s magic and beauty within all of us. I wish for all women to embrace themselves, their inner goddess and to be confident, fierce, and bold and above all – to be unapologetically their real selves.

3)Ms Deepa Kotwani Ghosh, CEO, EmpMonitor:

Only a woman can almost die and give birth at the same time. Thus, on this women’s day, I want all the women to lead the way for a better world, with the goal of empowering women in all environments, so that they can live fulfilling lives, following their individual and family dreams. Also, I would suggest women to push themselves, be confident, and keep their mindset strong. Be proud to be a woman. Happy Women’s Day!

4)Dr.Shabnam Sharma,Director at RoboGenius:

"I am happy to see a significant progress made during the last decades to achieve gender equality, but there is still much work to do. In particular, the gender gap is pronounced in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields at all levels of education. In those areas, the women participation remains low, although there are differences from country to country.

As per the UNESCO stats , Women make up almost half of researchers in Asia. We as RoboGenius are working towards encouraging women and girls to learn and teach STEM and I wish to see success for women in the education sector in the times to come."

5)Ms Sucheta Mahapatra, MD- India, Branch Personal Finance App:

"We are delighted to celebrate the social, economic and cultural strides women have made from all walks of life but especially in business. We at Branch are committed to women’s equality at work. In addition to having two of our largest countries being headed by women, Branch is also proud to announce that we have 46% women workforce in India with some of the key teams solely run by women."

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