Monday 8 March 2021

Technology is an opportunity and not a barrier for women

By Nithya Krishnan, Director, Marketing – India & SAARC, Trend Micro
The aspirational woman of the 21st century has a steep learning and career curve ahead of them. There are varied new areas and fields for them to explore, whether it's across science and technology, banking and finance, management, arts, literature etc. Also, it's a great opportunity for women across rural India to have access to information and knowledge in this digital era.
Women have occupied leadership positions in the past as well. However, much focus and attention weren’t given. In the present times, media and society is much more vocal about such aspects. Yes, certain fields which use to see fewer women occupying senior positions now have more representation, whether be it in - IT, BFSI, real estate etc.
Technology is an opportunity and not a barrier for women, as they are working across the tech spectrum, be it - data scientist, software, hardware engineer, programmer, coder or CXO-level management roles. Some of the best tech R&D centers in India employ women within their ranks.
I believe our company has always been a great place to work for employees, irrespective of gender. We provide an equal opportunity for all, where employees get ample scope to grow both professionally as well as personally. Also, we happen to be one of the rare global tech companies to be helmed by a woman CEO. As an organization, the company also supports women to pursue careers in tech, and we have partnered with Girls in Tech, a non-profit engagement that empowers girls and women who are passionate about technology.
A better work-life balance is something even men seek, without having to forego promotions. Why should that be any different for women? Hence, whether one chooses one over the other, is entirely an individual's choice. And promotion should largely be dependent on what productivity and results one is able to deliver, irrespective of the gender. At one level, functional domain knowledge in the area of their expertise is an important skill that women of today need to look at and acquire, at another level, strong interpersonal and communication skills are necessary to thrive.
My advice to women would be to set high goals and benchmarks for themselves and try achieving them, even if they might fail many times. Also, try to find strong mentors early on in your careers, they might help guide you along the way.

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