Sunday 1 May 2022

38,000 practitioners physically participate every day 123rd Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Heartfulness Founder held at Heartfulness Headquarters in Hyderabad

  • Lakhs of practitioners from across the world join virtually everyday

Hyderabad, 1st May 2022: A three-day celebrations marking the 123rd birth anniversary of the second Guide of Heartfulness Shri Ram Chandra ji from Shahjahanpur, reverentially called ‘Babuji Maharaj’ was carried out in full swing at the world’s largest meditation centre at Kanha Shanti Vanam, the headquarters of Heartfulness Meditation in the outskirts of Hyderabad. Babuji Maharaj founded Shri Ram Chandra Mission in 1945 to spread the simplistic means of meditation called Sahaj Marg, which through the years is being practiced by the spiritual seekers from across the 160 countries worldwide. Sahaj Marg is also known as Heartfulness Meditation.

This unique heart-based meditative practise is made effective through spiritual transmission or ‘Pranahuti’   wherein the living Guide introduces his subtlest energy of the heart into that of the seeker for inner development. Babuji formalised this meditation practise to be spread through Shri Ram Chandra Mission. Born on 30th of April 1899, in Shahjahanpur (Uttar Pradesh), Babuji attained mahasamadhi on 19th of April 1983. From an early age, he displayed a yearning for spiritual realization. In June 1922, at the age of twenty-two, he met Shri Ram Chandra ji of Fatehgarh, also known as Lalaji Maharaj, whom he accepted as his guru. Lalaji at once identified Babuji as the person who had appeared in his dream years earlier to be his successor. In 1972, he took the Heartfulness method of meditation across the length and breadth of India beyond the limited circles to Europe and America and popularised it in those countries as well.

As part of the 123rd birth anniversary of Babuji, this year practitioners from across 160 countries gathered both physically and virtually to join the celebrations held between 29 April – 1 May 2022. Over 38,000 participants from 62 countries were present at Kanha Shanti Vanam to meditate at the world’s largest meditation centre. Over hundred thousand of the practitioners joined the event virtually.

Babuji’s original works in yogic science have led to books that have brought out the true essence of Yoga in the current times. Recently, the successor of Babuji and the current Guide of Heartfulness Shri Kamlesh Patel, affectionately called Daaji, also launched a book called Authentic Yoga which compounds Shri P. Y. Deshpande’s Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Kanha Shanti Vanam being the headquarters of Heartfulness can host 1,00,000 meditators at one time.

Commenting on the occasion Shri Kamlesh Patel (Daaji), the Guide of Heartfulness said, “ Babuji’s method of subtle meditative practice has been particularly motivating because of the ease of its practice. He had set into motion a form of meditation that draws people from across cultures, religions and backgrounds enveloping all in the spirit of modern humanity. Babuji simplified the otherwise complex yogic process bringing it within the reach of the common man. One does not have to take to austere rituals to understand the true meaning of yogic science and Babuji explained it beautifully. He was to yoga what Einstein was to physics, much akin to being instrumental in path-breaking knowledge.

The spiritual legacy of Babuji is in the fact that he will be looked up to for generations to come by seekers who wish to evolve spiritually. Each passing year we see practitioners joining here with enormous enthusiasm. Even during the pandemic times people were willing to join here. We are certainly blessed to be able join every year under all circumstances to honour Babuji’s legacy and celebrate the treasure-trove of knowledge he left for us to reap.”

The grand virtual celebration included a series of 6 group meditation sessions across 3 days, filling all hearts with love and spiritual charge were also made accessible online at the following link: Live at

The three days of celebrations concluded with unwinding of minds and rejuvenation of spirits.

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