Tuesday 3 May 2022

&TV artists Aasif Sheikh and Farhana Fatema celebrate Eid!

Aasif Sheikh, aka Vibhuti Narayan Mishra of &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, shares, "I offered namaz at home during the last two years of Eid. However, as we are venturing out this year, I will be offering namaz at the masjid. Then I'll return home and gorge on my favourite sheer khurma. I have invited some of my friends and family to a special lunch comprising of Biryani, Korma, Naan, and many other delicacies. Talking about his Eid memories, Aasif adds, "My native place is Varanasi, where my Dadaji resided. He used to host a big celebration on the day of Eid. A lot of our relatives used to come over to celebrate with us. A dastarkhwan of 25–30 people used to be filled with guests. We had no idea who would show up or who would be enjoying themselves... Bas chalta rehta tha karavan. Those memories from the early 1980s are still fresh in my mind.

Farhana Fatema, aka Shanti Mishra of &TV’s Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai, shares, "Eid is always a wonderful and memorable occasion for me. Eid is about getting together with friends, family, and loved ones. For these special occasions in the last two years, we were unable to meet our loved ones. This year, I am excited to host a family gathering. The festivities will take place over two days at my residence. Biryani, sheer khurma, dahi bada, and falooda will be on the menu. Taking Eidi from my parents and older siblings has been my favourite thing to do on this special day since I was a child. I recall my father forgetting to give me Eidi one time and going outside to meet his friends. I was on the verge of going on a hunger strike until he returned and gave me my Eidi (laughs). My cousins and siblings continue to tease me about it. I wish everyone a happy celebration. "Eid Mubarak to everyone."

&TV के कलाकार आसिफ शेख और फरहाना फातेमा ने मनाई ईद!

आसिफ शेख ऊर्फ एण्डटीवी के ‘भाबीजी घर पर हैं‘ के विभूति नारायण मिश्रा ने कहा, ‘‘पिछले दो साल मैंने ईद के दौरान घर पर ही नमाज अता की थी। हालांकिइस साल मैं मस्जिद में नमाज पढूंगा। इसके बाद मैं घर आऊंगा और अपने पसंदीदा शीर खुर्मा का स्वाद चखूंगा। मैंने खासतौर से लंच के लिये अपने दोस्तों और परिवार वालों को आमंत्रित किया हैजिसमें बिरयानीकोरमानान और कई अन्य स्वादिष्ट पकवान शामिल हैं।‘‘ ईद से जुड़ी अपनी यादों के बारे में बात करते हुये आसिफ ने कहा, ‘‘मैं मूल रूप से वाराणसी का रहने वाला हूंजहां पर मेरे दादाजी रहा करते थे। ईद के दिन वह बहुत बड़ा जश्न रखते थे। हमारे ढ़ेरों रिश्तेदार हमारे साथ ईद मनाने के लिये आया करते थे। 25-30 लोगों का दस्तरख़ान मेहमानों से भर जाया करता था। हमें कोई आइडिया नहीं होता था कि कौन दिखावा कर रहा है और कौन वाकई में खुश हो रहा है... बस चलता रहता था कारवां। 1980 के दशक के शुरूआती सालों की वो यादें आज भी मेरे दिलों-दिमाग में एकदम ताजा हैं।‘‘

फरहाना फातेमा ऊर्फ एण्डटीवी के ‘और भई क्या चल रहा है?‘ की शांति मिश्रा ने कहा, ‘‘मेरे लिये ईद हमेशा से ही एक अद्भुत और यादगार मौका रहा है। ईद का मतलब है दोस्तोंरिश्तेदारों और अपने प्रियजनों से मिलना-जुलना। पिछले दो साल हम इस खास मौके पर अपने करीबी लोगों से नहीं मिल पाये थे। इस सालमैं सभी परिवार वालों को ईद के जश्न में बुलाने के लिये उत्साहित हूं। मेरे घर पर ईद का यह जश्न दो दिनों तक चलेगा। बिरयानीशीर खुर्मादही बड़ा और फालूदा मेन्यू में शामिल होंगे। बचपन से ही अपने पैरेंट्स और बड़े भाई-बहनों से ईदी लेना इस खास दिन की मेरी सबसे पसंदीदा चीज रही है। मुझे याद है कि एक बार मेरे पापा मुझे ईदी देना भूल गये थे और अपने दोस्तों से मिलने बाहर चले गये थे। उस दिन जब तक पापा वापस नहीं आये और मुझे मेरी ईदी नहीं दीमैं भूख हड़ताल पर थी (हंसते हुये) मेरे कजिन्स और सगे भाई-बहन आज भी मुझे उस बात को लेकर छेड़ते रहते हैं। मेरी तरफ से सभी लोगों को ईद की ढेर सारी शुभकामनायें।‘‘

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