Wednesday, 12 February 2025

वानखेडे स्टेडियमची तेजोमयतावानखेडे स्टेडियममध्ये बजाज लाइटिंगच्या क्रांतिकारी एलईडी परिवर्तनाने नवीन युगाची सुरुवात

 फेब्रुवारी २०२५ – देशाच्या क्रीडा पायाभूत सुविधांमध्ये नवसंजीवनी आणणाऱ्या बजाज लाइटिंगने प्रतिष्ठित वानखेडे स्टेडियममध्ये अत्याधुनिक एलईडी तंत्रज्ञान स्थापित करून एक नवा मानदंड प्रस्थापित केला आहेस्टेडियमच्या सुवर्ण महोत्सवी वर्षात झालेल्या या परिवर्तनामुळे वानखेडे आता जागतिक दर्जाचे क्रिकेट स्थळ म्हणून अधिक सक्षम झाले आहे फेब्रुवारी २०२५ रोजी भारत विरुद्ध इंग्लंड टी२० सामन्यादरम्यान या नव्या प्रकाशयोजनेचे शानदार अनावरण झाले. ‘बिल्ट टू शाइन’ या आपल्या तत्त्वज्ञानानुसार बजाज लाइटिंगने उच्च दर्जाच्या स्टेडियम लाइटिंगसाठी नवा मापदंड निर्माण केला आहेजो प्रेक्षकांना अप्रतिम दृश्य अनुभव देण्यासोबतच ऊर्जा कार्यक्षमतेत मोठी भर घालतो.

परंपरागत लाइट्सच्या जागी १६५०क्षमतेचे ४४८ एलईडी फ्लडलाइट्स बसवण्यात आले आहेतजे आंतरराष्ट्रीय HDTV प्रसारण मानकांनुसार उत्कृष्ट प्रकाश वितरण करतातनवीन DMX-सुसंगत एलईडी प्रणाली दूरस्थ नियंत्रणदृश्य सानुकूलन आणि उर्जेच्या कार्यक्षम वापरासह टिकाऊपणाला प्राधान्य देतेवानखेडेच्या ऐतिहासिक वारशाला आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाची जोड देतया क्रांतिकारी प्रकल्पाद्वारे बजाज लाइटिंगने पुन्हा एकदा भारताच्या क्रीडा अधोसंरचनेत पुढाकार घेतला आहे. “भारतीय क्रिकेटच्या भविष्यासाठी हा केवळ एक तांत्रिक बदल नसून प्रगतीचे प्रतीक आहे,” असे बजाज लाइटिंग सोल्यूशन्सचे सीओओ राजेश नाईक यांनी सांगितलेतसेचएमसीएचे अध्यक्ष अजिंक्य नाईक म्हणाले, “हे अत्याधुनिक एलईडी फ्लडलाइट्स खेळाडू आणि प्रेक्षकांसाठी उत्तम अनुभव देण्यासोबत ऊर्जा कार्यक्षमतेतही मोठा बदल घडवतील.”

Bajaj Lighting’s Groundbreaking LED Transformation at Wankhede Stadium Ushers in a New Era of Sports Illumination

Mumbai, 03rd February 2025 – In a landmark initiative that reaffirms its legacy of innovation and nation-building, Bajaj Lighting has redefined sports illumination in India by upgrading the iconic Wankhede Stadium with state-of-the-art LED technology. As the stadium celebrates its 50th anniversary, this transformation cements its position as a world-class cricketing venue, ready to host the next generation of sporting spectacles.

On 2nd February 2025, during the highly anticipated India vs. England T20 match, the world will witness the dawn of a new era in stadium illumination. Bajaj Lighting, a brand built on trust and innovation, proudly embodies its philosophy – ‘Built to Shine’ – as it raises the benchmark for stadium lighting, delivering unparalleled performance, efficiency, and a superior viewing experience.

For decades, Wankhede Stadium has been the stage for historic cricketing moments, most notably India’s 2011 ICC World Cup victory. Bajaj Lighting, which powered Wankhede’s illumination back then, now leads the way once again—ushering in a future-ready, high-performance lighting system designed for modern broadcasting, player performance, and sustainable energy use.

Next-Generation LED Lighting for a World-Class Experience

The transformation replaces conventional luminaires with 448 advanced 1650W LED floodlights, strategically positioned to enhance energy efficiency, visibility, and spectator engagement. Designed to meet international HDTV broadcast standards, the cutting-edge system ensures every moment of action is captured with unmatched clarity, enriching the experience for millions—both in the stadium and on screens worldwide.

Beyond brightness and clarity, the new DMX-compatible LED system represents a paradigm shift in intelligent lighting solutions. Equipped with remote-controlled functionalities, scene customisation, and enhanced energy management, it embodies sustainability without compromising on performance. Despite the complex structural challenges of Wankhede’s vast canopy, Bajaj Lighting’s precision-engineered installation ensures seamless integration with the stadium’s infrastructure.

Illuminating the Future of Indian Cricket

This milestone is more than just a technological upgrade—it is a statement of progress, a beacon of excellence, and a testament to India’s relentless pursuit of greatness in sports infrastructure. By pioneering this groundbreaking transformation, Bajaj Lighting reinforces Wankhede’s status as a premier cricketing venue while reaffirming its unwavering commitment to nation-building through engineering excellence.

"At Bajaj Lighting, we believe innovation is at the heart of progress. This transformation at Wankhede is not just about lighting up a stadium—it’s about illuminating the future of Indian cricket. Our cutting-edge LED technology ensures a world-class experience for players, broadcasters, and millions of fans, setting the stage for historic sporting moments for years to come," said Rajesh Naik, COO – Bajaj Lighting Solutions.

Mr. Ajinkya Naik, President – MCA said, “We are delighted to introduce state-of-the-art LED floodlights at Wankhede Stadium, marking a significant step forward in enhancing the cricketing experience for players and fans alike. These energy – efficient lights will provide superior visibility, reduce power consumption, and align with our commitment to sustainability. As one of the most iconic cricket venues in the world, Wankhede Stadium continues to evolve with modern technology while preserving its rich legacy. We look forward to hosting thrilling matches under these advanced lights.“

As India continues to take centre stage in global cricket, Bajaj Lighting remains at the forefront—shaping the future of sports infrastructure with innovation, sustainability, and an unyielding vision to build something truly iconic.

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