Friday 19 February 2021

Be Future ready TODAY


We are pleased to inform you about our new initiative IA Insurance Rating Platform.

Under this platform we will be rating,

1.      Customer Service

2.      Existing Policies

3.      Future Policies

Understanding policy terms and conditions was always difficult for any layman as they were drafted by the legal team of Insurance companies.

TODAY Customer is king, they are demanding, educated, smart and want to understand everything in easy and simple ways.  The easiest and simple way is to explain it by STARS. More the stars better the product and services, we all know this.

 From ordering food online to just booking for a night’s stay, from buying products online to just watching a movie, the success or failure of anything solely depends on their ratings available online.

But what about the Insurance industry?

This is what Insurance Alertss Insurance Rating Platform will do to the Insurance Industry. 


•             Every Insurance buyer will check IAIRP Rating before choosing Insurance Company.

•             An agent, before selling it.

•             Even the capability of making an agency network, will depend on the companies having the highest number of maximum IAIRP rated policies and Customer Service Stars.

Be Future ready today, and get your policies and customer service rated, for more details, commercials please call us on +91 9322335521.

To unsubscribe, please click here.

Business Idea

Business Idea Heera Panna Mall 45, 1st Floor Oshiwara Jogeshwari West Mumbai 400102

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