Wednesday 1 November 2023

Renowned Indian Calligrapher Achyut Palav receives the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’

Renowned Indian Calligrapher Achyut Palav receives the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ given by IDC (IIT Bombay) and the Department of Applied Art, Banaras Hindu University.

Oct 2023

For his remarkable work for over 4 decades in the field of Indian Calligraphy, noted Indian Calligrapher Achyut Palav was honoured with the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' at the recently held Typoday (International Typography Seminar). The event was organised by Banaras Hindu University and IDC (IIT Bombay). The ceremony was attended by Prof. Ravi Poovaiah, Prof. G. V. Sreekumar of IDC, Prof. Manish Arora of BHU, Ajanta Sen and many internationally renowned Typographers and Calligraphers.

Achyut Palav’s journey in the world of scripts and calligraphy began in School in 1973 under the supervision of his art teacher, Mr. Parshuram Nabar. He was later mentored by Prof. R. K. Joshi while pursuing his degree specialising in Lettering, Typography and Calligraphyand further guided by expert of Modi script Dr. Ashok Kelkar, historian Dr. G. H. Khare and senior artist D. G. Godse for his thesis - ‘Modi Script- 15th to 18th Century’. During this time his perception, view towards calligraphy especially in terms of Indian Scriptsdevelop underwent a positive and constructive change.

Since then, Achyut Palav has made it his life’s mission to promote the aesthetics and commercial application of Indian scripts. He is credited with the creation of the Mukta Lipi, a style inspired by Modi and Devanagari scripts. He has presented, lectured and demonstrated at many institutes, museums, international conferences, seminars, exhibitions and calligraphy events. His work is in the collection of prestigious archives and museums and his work especially in Devanagari has been used in many projects in India and other countries. He has collaborated with calligraphers from countries like Germany, France, Russia, UK, etc to further the image and application of Indian calligraphy. He has experimented with media, tools and successfully fused it with performing arts to create some memorable masterpieces. He strived to unite Indians under the banner of calligraphy. His journey, Calligraphy Roadways across the length and breadth of our country laid the foundation for events like Callifest- A Festival of Indian Scripts and Achyut Palav School of Calligraphy an academic venture. His efforts have not only created a group of talented calligraphers in India but also inspired many students from countries like USA, The Netherlands, Russia etc to take up Devanagari Calligraphy.

Achyut Palav believes calligraphy to be the artform for the masses and is a proud Indian who believes in the beauty and magnificence of Indian scripts due to their highly evolved design and the amazing variety.  He has been an inspiration to many students, artists in India and abroad. His work in the field of calligraphy has not only created a place of honour for Devanagari but also brought many lesser-known scripts into limelight.     

सुलेखनकार अच्युत पालव यांना जीवन गौरव 

ऑक्टोबर 2023

सुलेखनकार अच्युत पालव यांचा जीवन गौरव’ पुरस्कार सोहळा बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालयात संपन्न झाला.

आय आय टीआय डी सी आणि बनारस  हिंदू विश्व विद्यालयाच्या डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ अप्लाइड आर्ट यांनी आयोजित केलेल्या टायपो डे’ या आंतर राष्ट्रीय टायपोग्राफी सेमिनार मध्ये सुलेखनातील सेवेचा गौरव म्हणून अच्युत पालव यांना ‘ जीवन गौरव ’ पुरस्काराने गौरविण्यात आलेया प्रसंगी आय डी सी चे प्रा रवि पोवय्या ,प्रा श्रीकुमारबी एच यु चे प्रा . मनीष अरोरा अजंता सेन ,तसेच देशातील आणि आंतर राष्ट्रीय कीर्तीचे टायपोग्राफर आणि कॅलिग्राफर उपस्थित होते.

1973 साली शिरोडकर हायस्कूल मध्ये चित्रकला शिक्षक परशुराम नाबर यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली फलक लेखनाला सुरवात केलीपुढे जे जे इन्स्टिटयूट ऑफ अप्लाइड आर्ट मध्ये प्रवेश घेतला आणि एका लेक्चर दरम्यान जेष्ठ सुलेखनकार कृजोशी यांची भेट झाली आणि पालवांची अक्षरांकड़े पाहण्याची दृष्टी बदलून गेलीचौथ्या अन पांचव्या वर्षासाठी लेटरिंग टायपोग्राफी अन कॅलिग्राफी स्पेशल विषय घेऊन प्रथम वर्गात उत्तीर्ण झालेपुढे उल्का ऍडव्हर्टीझिंगची संशोधन करण्याकरता असलेली शिष्यवृत्ती मिळालीमोडी  लिपीवर भाषातज्ज्ञ डॉ अशोक केळकरइतिहासतज्ज्ञ डॉ खरेजेष्ठ चित्रकार , इतिहासाचे अभ्यासक गोडसे आणि कृजोशी यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली 2 वर्ष अभ्यास करून मोडी लिपी - 15 ते 18 वे शतक "असा प्रबंध सादर केलादेवनागरी आणि मोडी लिपी यांच्या समन्वयातून मुक्त लिपी निर्माण केली आणि महाराष्ट्र राज्याच्या रौप्य महोत्सवी वर्षानिमित्त प्रसिद्ध केलेल्या "आपला महाराष्ट्र "या पुस्तकासाठी वापरलीयाच दरम्यान आय आय टीआय डी सिपवई येथे झालेल्या आंतर राष्ट्रीय सेमिनार मध्ये प्रात्याक्षिक करण्याची संधी मिळाली आणि पालवांच्या कामाने जगाचे लक्ष वेधून घेतले.

देवनागरी आणि मोडी लिपी शिकविण्याकरिता जर्मनीलंडन आणि नेंदरलँड मधून आमंत्रण मिळालीआणि आज जगभर देवनागरीची पताका घेऊन फिरत आहेत. 3 महिन्यापूर्वी 80 रशियन मुलांना देवनागरीचे धडे दिले आणि मोस्कोसारख्या शहरात प्रदर्शन घडवून आणलं. 2007 साली काश्मीर ते कन्याकुमारी असा दौरा करून देशभरात सुलेखनाच महत्व पटवून देण्यात पालवांचा मोठा हात आहेकॅलिफेस्टसारखे भारतीय लिप्यांचे उत्सव सुरु केले आणि देशातील सुलेखनकाराना एकत्र आणलेभारत हा शेतीप्रधान देश असला तरी तो लिपीप्रधान देखील आहे याची जाणीव आजच्या  तरुण पिढीला करुन दिली जेणेकरून देशातील लिपी आणि अक्षर सौंदर्य जगाला दिसेलअच्युत पालव यांना राष्ट्रीय तसेच आंतर राष्ट्रीय स्तरावर पुरस्कार तसेच मानसन्मान मिळाले असून जगातल्या बऱ्याच म्युझियम ने त्यांच्या कामाची दाखल घेतली आहे.....

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