Zee Telugu’s recent offerings such as Suryakantham, Rama Sakkani Seetha and Radhamma Kuthuru have showcased how the channel with the help of their female protagonists, has always been committed to projecting strong women characters in their shows. Women have always been portrayed in a positive role which aims towards their upliftment in society at large. Now the channel’s latest innovative offering ‘No.1 Kodalu’, aims to redefine the relationship between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law with its unique storytelling.
The distinct story line is filled with powerful drama, emotional twists, camaraderie and much more and will be telecasted from December 9th, 2019 onwards, every Monday – Saturday at 8 PM only on Zee Telugu and Zee Telugu HD channels.
Starring the veteran and graceful actress Sudha Chandran as Vagdevi, the project marks her comeback on the Telugu screen after a gap of 35 years. The role of her daughter-in-law Saraswathi is portrayed by the beautiful Madhumita. The show explores the worlds of two different women with contrasting personalities, who elevate each other. Vagdevi is a businesswoman who has several educational institutions and firmly believes education is a must to succeed in life. How Vagdevi’s life will change with the entry of her daughter-in-law Saraswathi, an illiterate and the role that she played in educating Vagdevi on the importance of love and happiness forms the crux of the story.
No. 1 Kodalu also boasts of a strong ensemble cast which comprises of Jai Dhanush, Suresh, Kranthi, Rithi, Sakshi Shiva and Chalapathi Raja among others.
No.1 Kodalu shall telecast from December 9th at 8:00PM only on Zee Telugu and Zee Telugu HD channels.
To enjoy the show, subscribe to Zee Telugu, available in the Zee Prime Pack at Rs. 20 per month
To ensure you do not miss out on your favorite Zee Telugu shows, choose the Zee Prime Pack that includes Zee Telugu, and Zee Cinemalu alongside 7 other top channels of the Zee Network that cater to the daily entertainment needs of your entire family at Rs. 20 per month only. For further information, contact your DTH or Cable operator.
About Zee Telugu:
Zee Telugu is the Telugu General Entertainment Channel of Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL). Launched on 18th May 2005, Zee Telugu was the first entrant from Zee bouquet to enter South India. Zee Telugu offers a variety of shows that cater to the entertainment preferences of over 75 million Telugu audiences across India every week. From fiction shows to reality shows and talk shows, the channel has multi-genre offerings and is widely accepted as the ultimate entertainment destination. Zee Telugu creates exceptional content by offering fiction shows with unique story-lines, state-of-the-art non-fiction shows & events with extraordinary formats, and acquires satellite right to some of the largest Tollywood movies that appeal to viewers across age groups.
With a balanced mix of content and programming options, Zee Telugu is one of top Telugu GEC channels in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Zee Telugu is well connected across all cable and digital platforms and also available on ZEE5.
To ensure you do not miss out on your favourite Zee Telugu shows, choose the Zee Prime Pack that includes Zee Telugu, and Zee Cinemalu alongside 7 other top channels of the Zee Network that cater to the daily entertainment needs of your entire family at Rs. 20 per month only. For further information, contact your DTH or Cable operator.
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