Just like their shows on the digital space, the launch of ALTBalaji and ZEE5’s originals do pack a punch each time they come out with a new offering. With excitement ahead of Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain season 3’s launch being at its peak, the two leading platforms launched the much-awaited series via a star-studded digital conference today. High on the success of its first two seasons, the upcoming season will see stalwarts of the TV industry like Ronit Roy, Mona Singh, Gurdip Kohli-Punjj, and Apurva Agnihotri along with Pooja Banerjee, Palak Jain, Sayush Nayyar, Anjum Fakih, Suchitra Pillai, and Aditi Vasudev. With members of the media showing their love and support for the show, the ensemble cast present in the digital conference interacted with the press and answered each of their questions
The highly engaging press conference got off to an exciting start with the incredible Mihir Joshi as the host. The trailer of the upcoming season was shown to the audience before kick-starting the enthralling interactive session with the cast of Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain- S3. Set after a four-year leap, one saw how Ananya (Mona Singh) and Poonam (Gurdip Kohli-Punjj) have moved on with their lives. On the other hand, Rohit (Ronit Roy) has drowned himself in alcohol and casual relationships with women. Despite new women in the form of Nisha (Anjum Fakih) and Amaira (Aditi Vasudeva) entering his life, Rohit simply is not willing to accept the fact that Poonam and Ananya are no longer a part of his life. Picking up exactly from where the show left, Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain 3 leaves one with just one question in their mind - Will love ever be the same again?
Speaking at the event, Ronit Roy quipped, “Season 3 of Kehne ko Humsafar Hain is an outstanding piece of writing and I really had a lot of fun shooting this series. It's good to shoot with all the co-actors and we are all like a family. I have not seen the series yet but have seen all the actors play their respective characters and they all were really amazing."
Speaking on the show, Mona Singh says, “I was very excited to know that writing of season 3 is complete and we all are going to meet again and have a lot of fun as it was always great shooting family scenes with everyone around. I loved how the whole graph of season 3 has gone up. I believe love is the most important element in a relationship and I really feel bad for couples in a loveless or abusive relationship. Especially, during the lockdown, we are getting to know about more cases of abusive relationships and domestic violence. I really hope that women find the courage to lead a better life by walking away from such toxic relationships and choose a better life for themselves."
An Excited Gurdip Kohli-Punjj said, “The reason why the show is doing so well is because of the perfect and brilliant characters. In season 2 the viewers got to see a new person in Poonam's life which was Abhi who is much younger to her. In this third season, you will see Poonam battling between the age gap. The first season was very monotonous for me as a character but the second season got me going. The journey of the characters is very well written by the writers."
It remains to be an exciting watch as one waits to see if Amaira becomes the latest Humsafar in Rohit’s life or does he realize how much he loves Ananya.
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