Tuesday 24 November 2020

Approaching Its Second Anniversary Amidst the Lockdown Fiasco, The Plug Media Establishes Itself as a Media Maven

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been the most prominent factor in the decline of growth for most companies in every industry. The key factor of success in a time like this is a smooth transition in accepting the changes, making peace with them and using them to the best of one’s abilities. The Plug Media is a company that has gone above and beyond in becoming an epitome of the same, right in time for its 2 year anniversary.

Being a 360-degree all-inclusive powerhouse of social media management, The Plug Media is focused on enabling their content creators to continue executing brand collaborations and campaigns as well as the right kind of content to keep their audience entertained. With services that delve into social media management, influencer marketing, PR, talent management, and video production, the company has continued to deliver one successful campaign after another.

The beginning of the pandemic was of course, as hard on the Plug Media as on any other company, but with the help of a driven and focused team, with innovative founders Apoorv Bhatnagar & Rohit Golia  leading the change, the company has tirelessly pulled through the aftermath of the virus. Since its advent in 2018, a lot has changed. Beginning with just the two of them and an iron-will, the team has now expanded to 10+ members who have successfully executed more than 500+ successful campaigns. Neither of the founders expected to touch such great heights within 2 years of inception, and they couldn’t be prouder.

Founder Apoorv explained, ‘Right as we were about to hit our 2-year mark since The Plug Media’s inception, the pandemic was sprung upon us. Work from home comes with all sorts of challenges, even for a digitally savvy team like ours. While our production team was finding innovative ways to shoot content at home, the content strategy team worked tirelessly to curate fresh and topical IP’s for our creators. Our creators on the other end, fashioned to take their content game up a notch in terms of quality and relatability. Six months into this bizarre situation, I’m pleased to say that the team pulled it off seamlessly. This one’s for the team!’

Upon discussing their 2 year anniversary approaching during the aftermath of the pandemic, Founder Rohit stated, ‘The Covid impact has been unprecedented. The situation demanded swift action and adaptation, and The Plug Media managed to do just that. With the WFH in place, we brought about a paradigm shift in our operations and protocols. And despite the industry taking a huge blow, we recorded our best growth in the last 6 months and even pushed forward our new division, Elev8, into the limelight.’ 

Despite the setbacks, the dust settled quite quickly for The Plug Media, as visible in some of their campaigns executed in this period, like campaigns for Johnnie Walker, L'Oréal, Amazon, Triller, etc.

Founders Apoorv & Rohit collectively stated, ‘Since the first step was moving all work online, being digital natives served as a huge advantage for our workforce. The different measures we came up with, helped us maintain and foster our workflow. We applied all the improvised  tactics to our new division, Elev8, as well and have thus, met with exemplary results.’

It is no wonder that being familiar with technology has played a huge role in helping more tech-savvy businesses come to terms with the drawbacks, but effectively applying new and adaptable strategies is also a rudimentary factor here, which The Plug Media has shown in the most optimal manner.

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