Wednesday 11 November 2020

Don’t let your teeth suffer this festive season

The festive season has started and it’s time to binge on your favorite sweets. As we all know sugar and cavities go hand in hand but leading dental expert Dr. Gunita Singh has charted a list of tips that one can follow in order to stay away from unwanted decay.

 - The first and the foremost step is to make sure that you rinse your teeth after every indulgence. You can use mouthwashes from the shelf or homemade aloe Vera mouth wash is the best.

-Late night parties can lead to disturbance in the night brushing regime. we know parties are no this year but sitting with your family for cards till late at night can also have the same effect. Make sure that your hygiene regime is not disturbed. Brushing at night is essential.

- Drink water as much as you can as it will keep flushing extra particles from your mouth. It will keep your oral cavity clean and keep you hydrated at all times. In fact, sipping some water before and after sweets will be perfect.

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