Zee TV’s popular fiction show, Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega, has received immense love from the audience courtesy its unique and intriguing storyline. Following a 20-year leap that saw the tragic death of Akshat (Nishant Singh Malkhani) and Guddan (Kanika Mann), the story now revolves around the ups and downs of their daughter, Choti Guddan’s life, essayed by Kanika Mann herself. While Agastya (Savi Thakur) made a heroic entry into her life, the show also witnessed the entry of the Birla family's bad boy, Money Birla, played by Pratham Kunwar.
Widely popular for his roles across several mythology shows, Pratham recently brought in his birthday in the presence of his near and dear ones, however the celebrations were quite different this year. While the actor's family and friends gave his special day a memorable start, the cast and crew of Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega were not ones to be left behind. Despite the actor being on a leave, the team decided to give him a pleasant surprise. As Pratham revealed, “We had recently finished shooting a heavy chunk and I was given a day off to rest it out and enjoy my birthday. However, close to 12.30 pm, I got a call from the Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega team to come on set as they had a couple of close shots to wrap up the episode. While I went expecting to be a part of scenes, what I really didn’t expect was a sweet and lively surprise that they had planned for me. The cast and crew had got me a large cake and they were all excited to celebrate my birthday despite feeling extremely worn down from the tiring shoot. It was overwhelming and exciting at the same time and I am really delighted to have found an extended family on the sets of Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega. It was a really sweet and special gesture.”
Adding further, Pratham pointed out that he usually makes it a point to visit the Siddhivinayak Temple on his birthday every year. However, this year he had to bring a slight change to this yearly tradition. “I usually visit the Siddhivinayak Mandir on my birthday, but this year is different due to the pandemic and hence I decided to have a slight change in my plans. Since I had a holiday, I went to a Gurudwara and donated a few food items for the daily langar that they keep and it truly brought a different and positive vibe within me and I am glad I managed to plan and execute something good and unique.”
While it may be all bright and sunny for Pratham, his character Money Birla will soon get the shock of his life when he realises that his marriage to Choti Guddan does not really happen as planned. Infact, the latter gets married to someone else! Who could it be?
To know more, tune into Guddan Tumse Na Ho Payega every Monday to Saturday at 8 pm only on Zee TV!
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