Monday 14 November 2022

Protinex Raises Awareness About the Impact of a Protein-Deficient Diet Amongst Indian Parents, Through Their Social Experiment Campaign

·       The campaign highlights how a protein-deficient diet could affect the lives of their kids.

·       The campaign is a part of ‘The Protinex Protein Abhiyaan’- an initiative to educate consumers about the importance and role of adequate protein consumption for better health and wellbeing 

November 2022: With its mission to educate consumers about the importance and the role of Protein in day-to-day life, Protinex - the flagship brand of Danone India has recently launched its new campaign.

Reaching out especially to Indian Parents, the campaign highlights the need for Protein in their day-to-day life and how a protein-deficient diet can have a negative impact on their lives. The campaign will be released on Protinex and Danone India’s Social media assets across Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

The campaign is a part of ‘The Protinex Protein Abhiyaan’, an endeavour to sensitize Indian adults across age groups on the integral role of protein in improving physical health and hence overall well-being.

This is also aligned with Danone’s frame of action ‘One Planet. One Health’ and the larger company mission of bringing health through food to as many people as possible and impacting health positively. Danone aims to inspire healthier and more sustainable eating and drinking practices. 

The social experiment showcases few children, who are invited to act as their parents and share their experiences on how they spend fun time with them. As the plot proceeds, the kids describe their disappointment in how their parents are always tired and unable to spend any quality time with them. The campaign aims to spread awareness of how protein-deficient diet can lead to tiredness and fatigue, thereby impacting individual’s ability to enjoy life with their family.

On the launch of the campaign, Mr. Sriram Padmanabhan, Marketing Director, Danone India said; “Being an Indian Parent is a full-time job. You cannot afford to take even a day off. With growing age and hectic schedule, maintaining adequate protein and nutrient intake becomes more and more critical. Through this campaign, we are trying to shed light on how inadequate protein intake can, not only have an impact on our life but also on our little ones.”

For more than 60 years, as one of the  market leaders, Protinex has spearheaded the cause of Adult Nutrition in India by providing products that are trusted by consumers and healthcare professionals. Protinex has inspired consumers to lead  healthier lives and evoked its consumers to be proactive and thoughtful towards  their health.


As per a study* - more than 70% of Indian adults have poor muscle health while 68% have low protein levels. Our body requires an adequate amount of protein every day to function well and keep the muscles stronger. Protein is vital in providing energy, fighting fatigue and also for supporting muscle strength to enable  day-to-day physical activities. Lack of adequate protein in our diet can affect our overall health. Hence, to live a fuller and happier life, optimal nutrition especially protein intake is essential  at every stage of life.

The campaign can be viewed on Danone India and Protinex’s YouTube channel and other social media assets.

Campaign link:

*IMRB study(2017) Understanding Protein Myths & Gaps among Indians

About Danone:

Danone is a leading multi-local food and beverage company building on health-focused and fast-growing categories in 3 businesses: essential dairy & plant-based products, waters and specialized nutrition. With its ‘One Planet. One Health’  frame of action, which considers the health of people and the planet as intimately interconnected, Danone aims to inspire healthier and more sustainable eating and drinking practices. In India, Danone started its nutrition business in 2012 through the acquisition of the nutrition portfolio from Wockhardt group. Danone India embodies a holistic approach offering a full range of products across life stages under recognized brands like Aptamil, AptaGrow Neocate, Protinex, Dexolac and Nusobee.

About Protinex:

Protinex is a trusted brand with a history of more than 60 years. It is one of India’s most prescribed nutritional supplements that is scientifically formulated with the power of Fast Absorbing Hydrolyzed Protein - Protinex Original. Protinex also offers diverse products suited for customized needs, tastes & lifestyles like Protinex Tasty Chocolate, Protinex Vanilla Delight, Protinex Diabetes Care - a scientifically formulated Zero Sugar variant for people with diabetes, and Protinex Mama - Specialized protein nutrition for pregnant & lactating mothers.

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