Saturday 22 June 2024

Tara Sutaria's Summer Essentials: Must-Have Items for Staying Cool and Fresh

Stay Fresh Like Tara Sutaria: A Peek into Her Summer Bag

With the arrival of summer, stepping out can feel like a challenging task due to the scorching sun. This

season demands breathable wardrobe, change in eating habits, and some things which must be with

you when stepping out. But most importantly, your health is something which can be a cause of worry

for many. Summer is a time for fun and adventure, but it can also be harsh on your health. Here’s a

list of essential items that you need to carry with you in your bag:

 Wipe it Away: The Magic of Wet Wipes:

In the blistering heat of summer, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene becomes paramount.

Therefore, including a pack of wipes in your bag can be helpful. The multipurpose wet wipes

are perfect for those sweaty and messy situations that are all too common in summer. Wipes

give you protection from germs. Wipes can be used on hands, body, surfaces* & gadgets** in

your surrounding environment like keys, worktables, handles, car steering etc. They can be

used on mobile phones and laptops. Use them at home or at work or on-the-go. Not only do

they help keep germs at bay, but their skin-friendly pH, thickness, softness, and refreshing

fragrance make them safe and gentle on the skin, leaving it feeling clean and fresh. The

fragrance in wipes also provides a fresh and clean feeling post use.

Here’s how Tara Sutaria keeps her bag when on the go. According to Tara Sutaria, Brand

Ambassador of Savlon, “My handbag is usually quite equipped with everything I need at my

fingertips. For the summer season I ensure that I keep a few extra items which helps me feel

cool, stay hygienic and fresh through the day. First up are Savlon Germ Protection Wipes.

Just a pull and swipe of this throughout a hectic day of shoots and meetings really helps

beating the heat. They're super multipurpose and also provide germ protection, perfect for

sultry days in the sun. Next is a portable hand fan - this is a saviour from the heat especially

in between outdoor shoots - pretty handy item. My sunglasses are my always on companion

in summers and lastly my water sipper which i always have with me on the go.”

 Sunscreen and Sunglasses: A Sun-Safe Duo

No summer bag would be complete without sunscreen. You should understand the

importance of protecting your skin from harmful UV radiation. Ensure to carry sunscreen with

you and apply it consistently. Remember, it's crucial to reapply sunscreen every two hours,

particularly if you're swimming or sweating. It is advised to choose a matte sunscreen that

offers comprehensive protection against the full solar spectrum, including UV, IR, and Visible

radiation. This type of sunscreen is lightweight and comfortable, tackling the typical issue of

high SPF products being oily and patchy. Sunglasses are your constant companion during

summers. Apart from being a fashion statement, sunglasses protect your eyes from harmful

UV rays and also prevent fine lines and wrinkles caused by squinting in the bright sunlight.

 Hydrate: The Water Sipper:

Never forget to carry your water sipper when you step out during summers. Staying hydrated

is key during the summer months. Drinking plenty of water helps maintain the balance of body

fluids, regulates body temperature, and keeps your skin glowing.

 Beat the Heat: The Portable Hand Fan:

The next summer bag essential is a portable hand fan. This handy item is a lifesaver from the

heat, especially during outdoor sessions. It provides immediate relief from the heat, making it

a must-have for anyone spending time outdoors in the summer.

 The Hydrating Facial Mist

Another summer essential that's worth adding to your bag is a hydrating facial mist. This

magical potion can be a real game-changer during the hot summer months. Just a quick

spritz can instantly refresh and rejuvenate your skin, keeping it hydrated and makes you look

fresh and glowing. It also helps in setting your makeup and preventing it from melting away in

the heat. Opt for a facial mist with ingredients like rosewater or aloe vera that are known for

their soothing and cooling properties.

Do not let the summer heat stop you from getting the best from your day. Keep a few simple items in

your bag to ensure that this season is a smooth ride for you.

^Basis lab study on sample microbes. Wipes away germs.

*Surface Usage- Basis lab study on select surfaces. Please follow directions for use on the pack label.

Always test for suitability on a small inconspicuous area of the surface before use

**Gadget usage- Basis lab study on select devices. Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions on

mobile/laptop cleaning. Before using the wipes- please unplug all cables and switch off the device

before use. Avoid getting liquid in openings like microphones, speaker slots, ports etc. Always test

for suitability on a small inconspicuous area of the device before use.

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