Monday 17 February 2020

ADINOVA OF ADAMAS UNIVERSITY: Benchmark in Passion & Creativity

Kolkata, 17th February 2020: Adamas University, one of the most known private universities in Eastern India organized a one of its kind annual fest ADINOVA at their campus. The annual fest was conceptualized to bring out the unique passion of the students through some out of the box contests and competitions which attracted everyone’s attention.
ADINOVA, the 3 day long fest witnessed an array of activities by the students such as #Strings (Solo Singing competition), Behind the Mask (Face Painting Competition), Creativo (Poetry Competition), The Benchmark Debate (The Debate competition), Nukkad (Street Play Competition), Tell Tastic (Story Telling Competition), Envy (Fashion Show) QuizathonCarousal (Film Making Competition), Prime (Photography Competition), Evoke (Dance Competition) etc.
The first day of the event saw soulful performance by Bangla Band Dohar followed by Canada’s most popular Indian singer Parag Ray. The evening ended with jaw dropping performance by Arko Mukherjee Satyaki Banerjee which was highly appreciated by the students' community. Bollywood duo Palash Palak Muchhal enthralled the students on the 2nd day of the fest with some top Bollywood numbers which made the evening worth remembering. Last but not the least Bengal’s 1st rock band FOSSILS gave a high voltage performance on the final day of the fest which made the event spectacular
ADINOVA is unique in various ways. Apart from the regular competitions, Adamas University’s School of Management introduced a startup competition to encourage participants (solo or group) to create innovative ideas around the startup business and present it in front of the jury. The school of Engineering organized Jugaad where they brainstormed and came up with innovative ideas to create unique solution to combat air / water pollution by practicing simple unique steps. In another event termed Hackathaon, the participants were provided with a problem statement and were required to come up with an innovative solution. Through Sell Well a second interesting initiative by School of Management the students were to use unique agenda for selling and convincing the panel of judges. All these initiatives were designed keeping in mind the real time learning for students through fun.
Speaking on this momentous occasion, Prof. Samit Ray, Chancellor, Adamas University said, “ADINOVA undoubtedly has not only created an environment where the students can unwind and relax but also invest time in ideating things which really matter in making a better society at large. We at Adamas University believe in pursuing excellence and hence the students are also driven towards the same motivation. Our objective is synonymous with our actions and we choose to prepare our students for global industry interface and influence their personalities in a positive way. We are extremely honored to organize ADINOVA and to be able to make it a unique platform. Through this fest we wanted to infuse a holistic growth among the students. We hope the competitions have been fruitful and encouraging for our students to enrich their knowledge and build themselves as successful human beings.”
Adamas University is rated the Best Private University in Eastern India and was established with the intention to provide a solution to all educational needs under one roof. It aims to facilitate an environment for students that will not just arm them with the right kind of knowledge, but also develop them as well rounded members of society. Adamas University is spread across 9 schools of study along with its School of Professional Studies that prepares students for various competitive examinations along with skill development. With a wide gamut of programs from Diploma till Doctorate, the University is ranked as the best private University in East India.
Attached is the release and picture for your kind perusal. Request you to please carry the same in your esteemed publication. Please let me know in case of any query.

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