Sunday 9 February 2020

जर्मन प्रशिक्षकाकडून मुंबईच्या गोलकीपर्सना मार्गदर्शन -- German coach to train Mumbai goalkeepers

फोटो : 
टीम वॅलफर्डट (मध्यभागीगोल प्ले चे जर्मन प्रशिक्षक सोबत ओरांजे सॉकर स्कुल इंडियाच्या संचालक शिरीन अग्रवाल (डावीकडूनआणि मानव अग्रवाल
Photo caption: Tim Walfhardt (centre), a German coach from GoalPlay, is flanked by Oranje SoccerSchool India, Directors, Shirin Agarwal (left) and Manav Agarwal during the meet and greet session.
Marathi copy: 
मुंबई, 9 फेब्रुवारी : 
ओरांजे सॉकर स्कुल इंडिया यांनी फुटबॉल नेक्स्ट फाऊंडेशन  माजी जर्मन गोलकीपर ऑलिव्हर कान यांनी स्थापन केलेल्या गोल प्ले या गोलकीपिंग ट्रेनिंग अकॅडमीच्या माध्यमातून मुंबईतील युवा गोलकीपरला शिकण्यासोबत आपले कौशल्य सुधारण्याची संधी देखील मिळणार आहे.
भारतामध्ये पहिल्यादाच गोल प्ले ने आपल्या प्रशिक्षकाला युवा भारतीय गोलकीपर्सची निवड करण्यासाठी पाठवले आहेआणि त्यांना ट्रेन एन फाईट चॅलेंज 2020 च्या माध्यमातून यूएफार दर्जाची गोलकीपिंग ट्रेनिंग देण्याचा प्रयत्न असणार आहेयाचे आयोजन गोल्ड स्पोर्ट्स ग्राउंडअंधेरी येथे करण्यात आले आहे.
टीम वॅलफर्डट हे गोल प्ले चे जर्मन प्रशिक्षक ट्रेन एन फाईट चॅलेंज 2020 घेण्यासाठी मुंबईत आले आहेतते युवा गोलकीपरची निवड करणार आहेत.प्रत्येक खेळाडूप्रमाणे गोलकीपरची भूमिका महत्त्वाची असते.त्यासाठी एकाग्रतेची आवश्यकता असतेआमचे लक्ष्य फिटनेस  कौशल्य सुधारण्यासोबत सामन्यात लक्ष केंद्रित करण्यावर असेलअसे 
टीम वॅलफर्डट यांनी सांगितले.
ओरांजे सॉकर स्कुल इंडिया आणि फुटबॉल नेक्स्ट यांनी आयोजित केलेल्या या स्पर्धेच्या माध्यमातून भारताच्या युवा गोलकीपरना आंतरराष्ट्रीय गोलकीपिंग शैली शिकण्यास मिळेलयासोबतच आपले योगदान देण्यात मदत करतील.
Mumbai, February 9: Young goalkeepers from the city will get an opportunity to learn and improve their skills as Oranje SoccerSchool India in association with Footballnext Foundation has tied up with GoalPlay, the goalkeeping training academy founded by former German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, to train the kids in India.
For the first time in India, GoalPlay has sent their coach to select young Indian goalkeepers and put them under a UEFA-standard goalkeeping training in Germany through Train N’ Fight Challenge 2020, an event organized at Gold Sports ground, Andheri (West).
Tim Walfhardt, a German coach from GoalPlay has been specially deputed by the academy to conduct ‘Train N’ Fight Challenge 2020’ and to shortlist talented young goalkeepers who would benefit from the coaching program.
“Like every player on the field, the goalkeeper’s role is considered to be very strenuous and it requires exceptional and a high level of concentration. We will focus of developing the fitness, skills and teaching the kids on the importance of remaining focused throughout the match,” Walfhardt said.
“The ‘Train N’ Fight Challenge will consist of specially formatted matches with an aim at assessing the goalkeeping skills of a player. Unlike the standard 11-team players, these matches will follow a 1-on-1 format, where one player will get to shoot a goal while the opposition will try to save. Based on the final tally, the player who saves the most will be declared as the winner,” explained Walfhardt
The scheduled event will showcase the matches categorized under four different age groups - 10 to under 12, 12 to under 14, 14 to under 16 and 16 to under 18. In each of these groups, 25 players will play out each other for the winning positions. Four winners from each group will get the chance to get trained by the GoalPlay coach in Germany in the goalkeeping training program crafted and mentored by Oliver Kahn.
Oranje SoccerSchool India and Football Next feel this one-of-a-kind maiden event will not only give young potent Indian goalkeepers a chance to get exposed to a globally acclaimed goalkeeping training style but also promote goalkeeping as an active role in contemporary football.

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