Tuesday, 18 February 2020

HOPE Great Global Clean Up Challenge 2020

HOPE : Healing Our Planet Earthan Plastic Waste Management & Up-cycling Non Profit Organization which is on a mission envisioning for Sustainable & Zero Waste future.
HOPE perceives rural awareness campaigns, weekend clean up drives, educational workshop, plastic waste recycling, marathon clean up drives, up-cycling methodologies etc to educate the citizens of India by promoting Health & Hygiene for an Plastic Waste Free future.
Heading towards Earth Day 2020,different groups of thoughtful citizens in Thane have come together by taking a step forward for an sustainable habitat marking a statement with a positive impact. Who are believing in zero waste lifestyle which will create a holistic Environment far more cleaner and greener for the future generations.
Every single plastic made still exists in our surroundings penetrating the laws of nature what is resulting into climate change and other sensitive uncertainty.
Keeping our best foot forward, different groups of thoughtful citizens from Thane have hosted "Great Global Clean Up Challenge" in Yeoor Hills led by HOPE in association with other Environmental Conservation organisations like Earthly Responsibility & Earth Day Network
This time HOPE will be conducting interactive workshop by implementing gamesdrawing seminar and environment test in regards with our environment, teaching the rural kids residing in Yeoor Hills to implement waste management techniques in their every day life which will help to preserve the natural habitat of Yeoor by keeping it waste free.
Requesting if your organization can enroll active volunteers for this campaign to support this generous cause which will create a sustainable impact in our society, all the needed [hygienic gear] will be provided to the volunteers. you can also support this movement virtually by recording and promoting the HOPE anthem on social media platform to generate maximum buzz about Earth Day 2020.
Campaign Details:
Location : Yeoor Hills, Thane West 
Date : 21/02/2020
Time : 7:00 Am onwards
Contact Person: Parthsarthi Singh +91 8976798272
HOPE Anthem: 
I am a planet Healer 

You are a planet Healer we are planet Healers...
We will stand for climate change
To keep our planet clean and green
We will pick our waste
We will pick your waste to make our world a better place.
Let us HOPE to believe
Let us HOPE to act
Let us HOPE to change our today, to celebrate Earth Day..
We plant trees
We clean beach
We teach our kids to be plastic free
I am a planet Healer
You are a planet Healer
We are planet Healers..  
About HOPE:  HOPE Is A Initiative Founded To Heal, Improve And Sustain Our Mother Earth.It Focuses On Plastic Waste Management and Up-cycling By Practicing New Tools And Techniques For A Healthier Lifestyle And Hygienic Environment.
Hope subsequently conducts clean up drives, awareness campaigns, rural social development, plastic waste management, up-cycling to spread the word about sustainability for an Green, Clean & Happier habitat.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! campaigns for sustainablility ! if you want to know where to recycle collected plastic waste you can contact waste management company In India | The Shakti Plastic Industries
