multi-pronged uses of robots allow them to be used in different domains. From
hospitality to hospitals, a range of sectors are adopting automation to reduce
costs, time or to achieve precision and in some cases save lives. A recent IEEE
survey titled Generation AI 2020: Health, Wellness and Technology in a
Post-COVID Worldrevealed that 58% of those surveyed in India have complete
trust in robots for cleaning and sanitization purposes in a public space.
“Hotels, while being a necessity
for many who travel, can be hazardous given the high rotativity and the diverse
origin of guests,” says IEEE Graduate Student Member Hector
Azpúrua. “In
this sense, guests are not only at risk, but also many hotel personnel who
perform the cleansing and room preparation.” Azpúrua further states that with
the onset of the pandemic, many robotics researchers and startups have focused
on removing the “human factor” of cleaning tasks leading to effective and
cost-saving options.
Self-cleaning robots are not new
and have been utilized in homes, hospitals, hotels and other spaces that
require repetitive and diligent cleaning requirements well before the pandemic
hit this year. But the pandemic has accelerated and expanded robots to get the
job done and keep everyone safe.
“Cleanliness, hygiene, comfort
and appearance are the prime concerns of housekeeping, whether it is done by
humans or robots,” says IEEE member Jayakrishnan Thrivikraman Nair.
“However, robotization makes it more manageable through accurate scheduling,
improved efficiency, accessory footprint, dynamic cleaning patterns, 24×7
assured cleanliness and much more.”
3 Self-Cleaning Robot
Vacuum cleaning robots are a
popular consumer tool to help clean and maintain cleanliness in homes, but they
are being utilized in public spaces as well.
“Robots already have a well-known
tracking history when it comes to vacuum cleaning tasks,” says IEEE Member Antonio Espingardeiro. “At
the moment they are assistants to human cleaners. So, we could expect robots
from small to medium sizes to continue performing such tasks.”
Vacuum cleaning robots use
state-of-the-art technology to scan the room and build a visual representation
or map of the space. The robot performs the task autonomously and can locate
the charging dock to recharge after the cleaning has been successfully
While these vacuums are not
designed to clean germs, they do routine cleaning tasks a person would
otherwise have to perform. Instead, the person can monitor the robot and
minimize the time they need to be a potentially risky enclosed space.
Disinfectant spraying robots are
often used in outdoor areas to spray chemicals that combat viruses and
bacteria. IEEE member Walter Lages
explains that “robots are not vulnerable to the diseases caused by the virus
and can be disinfected by using strong chemicals or even radiation which would
be inadequate for humans.”
Spraying robots work like vacuum
robots and are capable of autonomously navigating a room or space without human
“The robot navigates the
environment by using technologies such as SLAM (simultaneous location and
mapping), which itself is based on the fusion of data from multiple sensors
such as encoders, laser scanners, depth cameras and ultrasound sonars.” says Lages.
“The robot itself develops a map of the environment based on its sensors and
then navigates it.”
You probably won’t find a
disinfectant spraying robot in your hotel room, but don’t be surprised if you
see them working in parking lots or in areas outside and around buildings
intended for high visitor traffic.
UV robots emit ultraviolet light
in the C wavelength range to kill any viruses or bacteria living on its surface.
These autonomous robots can sense dirty environment and use its powerful rays
to kill germs.
“UV lights are often used in
professional cleaning setups to identify dirty surfaces, connecting both
systems of inspection with image processing and then with a UV beam light to do
the job.” says Espingardeiro.
UV light is also considered
dangerous for humans, and technologists have developed ways to sense human
activity and turn off the feature.
Azpúrua says, “Robots must be
equipped with sensors, cameras and microphones, to prevent UV light activation
if there are people present in proximity, by feeding this data into advanced AI-algorithms.”
UV-C technology, at present, is
mostly used in hospitals and surgical rooms where sterilization is necessary.
“The collaborative robot autonomously drives around hospitals while emitting
concentrated UV-C light to eliminate bacteria and other harmful microorganisms
with a 99.99 percent disinfection rate,” reports the IEEE Robotics and Automation
While robotic and sensor
technologies continue to develop, commercial industries like hospitality may
begin utilizing these types of robots to keep their guests and employees safe
in the future.
“Moreover, the latest trend in
autonomous cleaning is not just based on independent cleaning robots,” says
Nair. “Rather, these robots can be a part of the connected and intelligent
cleaning system with well-defined behavior, with an ability to adapt to the
changing environment and dynamics of the area under cleaning.”
Over time, cleaning crews will be
able to work alongside and monitor robots to do the dirty and repetitive tasks
that will keep us safe from harmful germs.
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