COLORS’ popular show Barrister Babu has regaled the audience with it its unique storyline and introduced a host of interesting characters to viewers. With every episode, a new and exciting chapter unfolds in Bondita and Anirudh’s life as we see the duo tackle several challenges battle societal prejudices. In the current track of the show, on the occasion of the Pitra Shanti Pooja that Trilochan is conducting, a mysterious young girl called Shubhra will enter RC Mansion. A very sweet yet sinister personality, Shubhra, played by the talented young actress Chahat Tewani, will shake things up in the house! Everyone in the RC Mansion starts to think whether Shubhra is the reincarnation of his mother and Anirudh, a practical man, will soon face a crisis of sorts. Interestingly, Chahat’s real-life mother Disha Tewani is also a part of the show and will also feature in one of the episodes
Talking about her role, Chahat Tewani said, “It is great to be back on COLORS with Barrister Babu. What’s most interesting is that I am playing a character with grey shades for the very first time in my career. It was quite challenging yet exciting to play Shubhra. She is very mysterious and I was extremely excited when I was narrated the role. I personally watch Barrister Babu and I am a fan of the show, so you can imagine my happiness! I hope that the audience will like my track in the show. It’s special for another reason, too, as my own mother will also be a part of the show. She is also playing a very interesting character and I cannot wait for viewers to witness all this excitement!"
To find out more, do keep watching the fresh episodes of Barrister Babu, every Monday- Friday, 8.30 pm only COLORS
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