Friday 25 December 2020

What Anil Kapoor in Nayak did on-screen, social activist Dinesh Rao does in real-life

In the film ‘Nayak’, Anil Kapoor played a TV journalist who accepts the challenge of an arrogant chief minister (played by AmrishPuri) and becomes the chief minister of the state for a day. In his one-day tenure as a chief minister, he manages to do things that earlier chief ministers failed to do in their tenure of 5 years. The speed and efficiency with which this character gets things done earn him the epitaph of a ‘Nayak’ (hero).

When one thinks of a similar real-life personality, Dinesh Rao’s name would come to the forefront. Dinesh has been a social activist for years and as a member of Shiv Sena, he has used his access to carry out activities that would contribute towards the welfare of society. Unlike many other politicians and social activists, Dinesh Rao has been somebody who is known for fulfilling promises that he makes to the people and goes beyond his line of duty for the well-being and upliftment of society.

Every year, on the occasion of the Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray’s memorial, Dinesh Rao organizes a blood donation camp. During the Covid-19 crisis, he was one of those few activists who were proactive on the ground. Dinesh, along with his team, distributed ration, water, medicines, and other essentials to several families, especially those coming from an underprivileged background. While many politicians offered solutions on social media, Dinesh Rao walked the talk by doing things that made a difference and brought relief in the lives of those who were suffering.

Talking about what drives him to work relentlessly towards social causes, Dinesh says, “Empathy is one of the most basic human emotions. Unfortunately, I see a lack of it in our society. This is one emotion that inspires and drives me to do something to bring about a change in society. I believe each one of us has a responsibility towards society and we must do our best to fulfill it. I am just trying to fulfill the responsibility I have as a human being. If we feel the pain felt by people suffering around us, we will feel motivated to do something positive all the time.”

With his strong resolve to bring about a change in the society, honest intentions, and the super-fast speed at which he works, here is one person whom one would like to see climb up the ranks in politics. We need good and able people in politics and Dinesh Rao is a leader the country deserves. 

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