Thursday 7 January 2021


Goa, 7th January, 2021: One of the most significant film festivals in Asia, International Film Festival of India (IFFI) has announced 15 widely acclaimed films as part of its international competition section. These films will compete for the Golden Peacock Award at 51st IFFI to be held in Goa from 16th – 24th January, 2021. Argentine filmmaker Pablo Cesar will head 51st IFFI's international jury panel, while other members include filmmakers Prasanna Vithanage (Sri Lanka), Abu Bakr Shawky (Austria), Priyadarshan (India) and Rubaiyat Hossain (Bangladesh). 

1.             The Domain by Tiago Guedes (Portugal)

2.             Into The Darkness by Anders Refn (Denmark)

3.             February by Kamen Kalev (Bulgaria, France)

4.             My Best Part by Nicolas Maury (France)

5.             I Never Cry by Piotr Domalewski (Poland, Ireland)

6.             La Veronica by Leonardo Medel (Chile)

7.             Light For The Youth by Shin Su-won (South Korea)

8.             Red Moon Tide by Lois Patiño (Spain)

9.             Dream About Sohrab by Ali Ghavitan (Iran)

10.          The Dogs Didn’t Sleep Last Night by Ramin Rasouli (Afghanistan, Iran)

11.          The Silent Forest by KO Chen-Nien (Taiwan)

12.          [Bridge by Kripal Kalita (India)

13.          A Dog And His Man by Siddharth Tripathy (India)

14.          Thaen by Ganesh Vinayakan (India)

The following prizes will be given away:

  1. Best Film:

a)    A Cash prize of Rs. 40,00,000/- to be shared equally between the Director and Producer.

b)    Director to be given the Golden Peacock and a Certificate in addition to the cash component.

c)    Producer to be given a Certificate in addition to the cash component.

  1. Best Director: Silver Peacock, Certificate and a cash prize of Rs.15,00,000/
  2. Best Actor (Male): Silver Peacock, Certificate and a cash prize of Rs 10,00,000/-
  3. Best Actor (Female): Silver Peacock, Certificate and a cash prize of Rs 10,00,000/-
  4. Special Jury Award: Silver Peacock, Certificate and a cash prize of Rs 15,00,000/- given to a film (for any aspect of the film which the jury wishes to award/ acknowledge) or an individual (for his/her artistic contribution to a film). The award, if given to a film, will be given to the Director of the film

About IFFI:

The International Film Festival of India (IFFI), founded in 1952, is one of the most significant film festivals in Asia. Held annually, currently in the state of Goa, the festival aims at providing a common platform for the cinemas of the world to project the excellence of the film art; contributing to the understanding and appreciation of film cultures of different nations in the context of their social and cultural ethos; and promoting friendship and cooperation among people of the world. The festival is conducted jointly by the Directorate of Film Festivals (under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting) and the state Government of Goa.

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