Monday 25 January 2021

COLORS artists talk about what the Republic Day means to them

As India celebrates its 72nd Republic Day, every Indian citizen’s heart swells with pride. It’s the day when the Indian Constitution came into existence. A time of immense happiness, the Republic Day is celebrated with great gusto in every Indian’s hearts and homes. On this very special day, here’s what artists from the COLORS put into words their feelings about just what the day means to them. Read on...

Pravisht Mishra as Aniruddh Babu from Barrister Babu, “Today is a day every Indian should be proud of. On this day our great Republic was formed, and the greatest document in the history of the world came into existence - The Constitution of India. This day I will be watching the Republic Day parade that happens in Delhi. Witnessing the defence prowess on display in the parade fills my heart with pride!”

Aura Bhatnagar as Bondita from Barrister Babu, “All the memories I have of Republic Day reminds me of school activities. This year, as my school closed, I am going to miss all the activities like waking up early in the morning, attending the flag hoisting ceremony and singing patriotic songs I know that this day is special for all my fellow Indians and I wish everyone a very Happy Republic Day!”.

Riya Sharma aka Mayura from Pinjara Khubsurti Ka Says,"The Republic Day used to be a holiday in school, but I remember attending flag hoisting in my building with all our neighbours. After that, all my building friends would sing the same timeless patriotic songs during my building’s special Republic Day event. This year, I hope that we can be kind towards each other and take care of Mother Nature.  I wish everyone a very Happy Republic Day.”

Saahil Uppal aka Omkar from Pinjara Khubsurti Ka says, “As a patriot, the 72nd Republic day is very special for me. I am very happy to notice that the youth of our country share the same feeling as mine. I believe to inculcate the idea of patriotism in our youth. We need to instill this feeling about how important it is for everyone to love the country. The values of our country, culture and traditions should be talked about and celebrated. Schools and colleges should also have a healthy atmosphere which should inspire the students to think about the country’s development first and then one’s own development.

Abhishek Malik Aka Dr.Neel  from Pinjara Khubsurti ka Says, While it is indeed a very important day, I feel it is time to reflect on the achievements of our country. Looking at how we have all bravely fought the pandemic. Now, withessing how we are successfully carrying out the world’s largest vaccination drive, makes me immensely happy with the fact about how far we have come as a nation. With all that the country has done for us, I believe that we need to reciprocate. Even small things like keeping the surroundings clean, helping fellow citizens, not doing anything that harms the infrastructure or creates pollution  go a long way.

Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia aka Mehar of Choti Sarrdaarni says, “Republic day is the most significant day for all Indians and every Indian feels proud on this day. I also have a personal connection to this day because my dad is an Army Officer and patriotism is in my blood! As a kid, I got to know what the day is about, but as an adult is when I realized the true importance of this special day.”

Avinesh Rekhi aka Sarabjit of  Choti Sarrdaarni says, “I feel like we should celebrate being a Republic every day and not on a single day. One of the fondest memories from my school days is  the parade and the flag hoisting ceremony in my school in Chandigarh. We used to initiate the ceremony with the traditional lighting of the lamp and then hoisting the tricolor, which was followed by us singing patriotic songs. In light of that memory, I wish all my fellow Indians a Very Happy Republic Day!”  

Aditya Ojha aka Yug from Namak Issk Ka says, “Our country is the world’s largest democracy and this is the 71st year that we are celebrating  our Constitution. This Republic day, I would want all Indians to take a pledge to improve ourselves and help our country grow. Last year has taught us a lot, especially the importance of discipline in life and I believe Republic Day marks that discipline for us as a country. We all need to buy local goods to give a boost to our economy. As for me, I will be watching the annual Republic Day parade on television. I want to wish every Indian around the world a very Happy Republic day from the cast and crew of our show Namak Issk Ka.”

Rrahul Sudhir aka Vansh Raisinghania from Ishq Mein Marjaawan says, “Republic day is a milestone in the history of India. It is that momentous day when our Constitution came  into effect. In my childhood this day only meant a celebration in school, but as I grew older, I understood the true meaning and the importance of it. As citizens, it is our duty to abide by and to celebrate our constitution.  We all should protect each other in the current scenario and be  model citizens.

Amar Upadhyay as Virender Pratap Singh from Molkki, “We are lucky to be born in a country with such a rich culture and values. Our constitution adds to it and makes us a stable and a strong country. Republic Day is a chance for us to celebrate the occasion when our constitution came into force. As people, we need to ensure that we uphole all the values that are enshrined in the constitution and ensure that there is peace, love and harmony around us. Whatever little we can do to better ourselves as individuals, we must do. I want to take this chance to wish a Happy Republic Day to all my fellow Indians around the world   ”

Jigyasa Singh aka Heer from Shakti - Astitiva ke Ehsaas ki..says, “ The constitution of India  holds a very important role in our country.  It's a backbone on which our country runs.  As a citizen we should abide by all the rights and duties and in difficult times like this we should ensure that we protect each other and stand together. My message to all my fellow citizens would be to become better citizens. We need to elevate ourselves and make sure that we inculcate better civic habitsIf each one of us can do our own bit, our country will reach newer heights. On this day, I wish all my fellow Indians a very Happy Republic Day!”

Shrutii Sharmaa aka Chamcham from Namak Issk Ka says, “Republic day is a day to take out some time and remember and cherish the rich heritage of our country. Everyone who gave their lives for us, followed by the formation of the constitution that defines us today. I feel that lately  Republic Day has merely become a holiday for a lot of people, which I believe needs to change. This day holds a very strong value and marks a milestone, as we are what we are as a country today because of this day. I urge people that this republic day we should all make a special effort to know and understand the deep and true meaning of our constitution and celebrate this day in it’s real sense.”

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