Wednesday 20 January 2021

Klip VR - Expectations from Budget 2021

“India has one of the most dynamic and thriving startup community and ecosystem in the world today. Our demographics advantage is a boon and promises immense opportunities, we expect the government to bring forward the policies to boost investors’ confidence and opportunities. Indian startups today are big job creators and incentivizing private investments can really stimulate growth for startups as apart from ease of doing business, cash flows are the real challenges for us. The government took a number of decisive steps to relegate financial stress in our economy arisen due to unprecedented pandemic, we believe with positive signs in the economy now it’s time to give a flip to our efforts and government support can play a pivotal role.”

Rishi Ahuja, Founder Klip VR Immersive Technologies   

About Klip VR

Klip VR Immersive Technologies Pvt. Ltd is an Incubated company of Sunovatech India Pvt, a specialist Immersive and Extended reality company with experience of over 650+ Animation and VR Projects. Klip VR focuses on VR Business with consumer titles, it has a B2B2C model with a focus in Education and Entertainment Industry. The Virtual Experiences by Klip VR allow to go beyond the physical boundaries of the classrooms - be it walking on the moon, or diving to the depth of ocean or taking a journey inside the human body, which otherwise are practically impossible for students, thereby amplifying the knowledge and understanding of the world around them with core focus in building curiosity, fact retention, visual learning, making learners future-ready.

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