Thursday 14 January 2021

NASSCOM and Telangana AI Mission(T-AIM) Launches Innovation Factory challenge to Identify Innovative AI Solutions to Foster Agricultural Capabilities

NASSCOM and T-AIM will assist farmers with creative AI solutions with a vision to launch Telangana as a global hub for Artificial Intelligence and foster social innovation



New Delhi, 15th January 2020: With the intent of sourcing best in class AI solutions in Agritech, NASCOM in collaboration with Telangana AI Mission (T-AIM) has launched an Innovation Factory – series of a grand challenge to identify innovative AI solutions to solve specific used-cases in the field of agriculture.

The challenge gives a chance for innovators to assist the Government of Telangana in helping farmers increase their income by working on three selected use-cases. These include precision farming for improving yield; Real-time price discovery and volume management and e-marketplaces and; Farmer lending using farm/output backed credit risk assessment.

Innovators will also be able to showcase their AI solution development capabilities at a larger scale and avail an opportunity to implement a pilot within the State of Telangana, with mentorship support from Government of Telangana entities. As a part of the challenge, winner will get a chance to win a prize money of INR 1 Lakh and INR 50,000 for the runner-up, per use-case

The contest is open for start-ups, companies and institutions operating within India where one team will be allowed one entry per account. Each team will be given six weeks to work on the use-case where these teams will be judged on three focal criteria’s – approach, technique and results. The last date to register for the challenge is 24th January 2021. Winner will be announced on 30th March 2021.


The National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM®) is the premier trade body and chamber of commerce of the Tech industry in India and comprises over 2800-member companies including both Indian and multinational organisations that have a presence in India. Our membership spans across the entire spectrum of the industry from start-ups to multinationals and from products to services, Global Service Centers to Engineering firms. Guided by India’s vision to become a leading digital economy globally, NASSCOM focuses on accelerating the pace of transformation of the industry to emerge as the preferred enablers for global digital transformation. Our strategic imperatives are to reskill and upskill India’s IT workforce to ensure that talent is future-ready in terms of new-age skills, strengthen the innovation quotient across industry verticals, create new market opportunities - both international and domestic, drive policy advocacy to advance innovation and ease of doing business, and build the Industry narrative with focus on Talent, Trust and Innovation. And, in everything we do, we will continue to champion the need for diversity and equal opportunity.

NASSCOM has played a key role in not just the growth of the Industry to become a $180+Billion industry today, but we have helped establish the Tech industry in India as one of the most trusted partners, globally. NASSCOM continues to make significant efforts in contributing towards India’s GDP, exports, employment, infrastructure development and global visibility. Our membership base constitutes over 95% of the industry revenues in India and employs over 4 million professionals, and as technology blends into every aspect of the economy, we expect the industry to become key driver of growth, development and inclusion for the country. Our mission is to make India a global hub for Innovation and Talent so when the world thinks Digital, the world will think India.

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