Mr. Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India said, “In the upcoming Union Budget 2021, we expect the Honorable Finance Minister to focus on two key aspects: demand and employment generation. The best way to boost these is by spending on infrastructure as it has high employment elasticity and supports all businesses —large, medium, small or startups. Events and exhibitions are key mobilizers and facilitators of the economy and for the past few years, owing to our advocacy, we have seen a visible transformation in the government’s focus on the industry. The sector boosts trade, innovation and better understanding between nations that further propels sectoral growth, while also developing a host of ancillary businesses linked directly or indirectly to exhibitions. We have therefore been seeking an industry status from the government. Since trade exhibitions have a symbiotic relationship with the industry, promoting the sectors by introducing sops and rebates, especially for SMEs, to participate in trade exhibitions, will lead to the wellness of the economy, the sectors and the exhibitions industry.”
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