Star Bharat’s new series of Savdhaan F.I.R series focuses around a theme / concept ‘Crime Ka Bura Time Shuru Abb Se’ and showcases riveting stories from the perspective of police, which will not only evoke a sense of pride among the audiences but also celebrate the true essence of the work that goes behind in solving crimes by these policemen. The stories revolve around more of an investigative approach. Unlike, the previous season, the audience will now keep guessing who the criminal is till the end. In this season, stories revolve around the police from four different cities and will cover various contemporary crime based scenarios where the audience will get to witness the expertise these police officials have.
The makers have left no stone unturned in casting actors for playing the main lead cops in the show.While Ankur Nayyar is essaying the role of a leading cop in the show the makers and channels have roped in none other than the super talented Manini Mishra to essay the character of Durga Kulkarni a lead cop in the show.
Manini Mishras' role as Durga Kulkarni will see her having all the character traits of Maa Durga - she will be fierce , strong and an epiphany of the goddess in the show. The talented Manini will be seen solving a plethora of cases right from murder mysteries to kidnapping and other criminal issues.
When spoken to Manini Mishra, she said, “I am extremely elated to be a part of Star Bharat’s Savdhaan India F.I.R. Series.I think my alter ego is that of a cop, I love playing the role of a cop. For me it’s being an agent of change in the society and bringing about justice and I really respect the police force and the armed forces. I am really enjoying working on this show. I will be seen working alongside Ankur Nayyar– he is a wonderful actor and a very dear friend.. I am extremely delighted to be working with Mahir Khan films, I feel it is one of the nicest production companies I have worked with. I have also worked with Star Bharat before and they really come up fantastic content. They are an extremely progressive channel and an agent of change. I am extremely delighted and honored to be a part of this series and I hope the audience continue to appreciate my work and continue to love me as they always do.”
To watch Manini Mishra make a comeback on your screens tune in to Savdhaan India FIR series every Monday to Friday at 10 pm only on Star Bharat
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