Wednesday 27 January 2021

Will 2022 Bring a Return to 'Normal' After Mostly Online 2021 Semesters?

v  By Mr.Ankit Shyamsukha, CEO, ICA Edu Skills

As the trials and roll out of vaccines have already begun in many parts of the world and many vaccines have also cleared the approvals including those of Oxford, Moderna, Pizer, the Russian Sputnik and Chinese vaccines, it is expected that by the end of 2021 a large part of the vulnerable population will be administered vaccine. While it will still take a few years for all people to get the shot and the latest Coronavirus strain is presenting a fresh challenge yet, there is hope of normalcy returning over the next 2 years. The education process will also have a major transformation as it will take the blended approach of online and offline classes depending upon the severity of the situation. 

How the pandemic has affected education?

Education is one of the worst affected sectors in India during the pandemic. It has thrown a new challenge in every students’ life. The learning process of around 32 crores students in India has suddenly came to a halt. According to the UNESCO report, about 14 crores of primary and 13 crore of secondary students are affected. And, that made every student resilient and getting adapted to the new challenges. They opted technological platforms to have an uninterrupted learning process. Even many educational institutions cancelled their classes, examinations and internships among others and took to online medium.  Thus, COVID-19 has also taught many ways to emerge victorious from the pandemic both from students and teachers.

Teachers assigned work to students via the internet, delivered lectures via online video conferencing using different apps like Zoom, Skype and various google apps. Though the scenario was not similar everywhere, it was still a challenge of good internet penetration in rural areas. Government has also postponed the examinations of secondary and higher secondary classes and later conducted examinations strictly adhering to COVID-19 guidelines.

The education scenario in 2022

hough the outbreak of COVID-19 has created many negative

impacts  on  education,  educational  institutions  of  India  have

accepted  the  challenges  and  trying  their  best  to  provide

seamless support  services to the students during the pandemic.

Indian education system got the opportunity for transformation

from traditional system to a new era. The following points may

be considered as the positive impacts.

hough the outbreak of COVID-19 has created many negative

impacts  on  education,  educational  institutions  of  India  have

accepted  the  challenges  and  trying  their  best  to  provide

seamless support  services to the students during the pandemic.

Indian education system got the opportunity for transformation

from traditional system to a new era. The following points may

be considered as the positive impacts.

Indian educational institutes have adjusted to the new normal despite the initial hiccups of adhering to the usage of technology. They tried their best to provide seamless support in providing continuous education in the times of the pandemic and transformed from the traditional learning to the new era of learning. Here are some of the ways the education scenario in 2022 will roll out:

v  Shift towards blended learning: This kind of learning will give the exposure of both online and face-to-face learning. In a recent survey, it has been found out that 59% of students are more motivated to learn through blended or hybrid learning than in a fully online course or a flipped classroom setting. It gives the advantage of learning at their own pace and via interface with digital technology. At the same time, learning done in this virtual way is often best consolidated by in-person interactions. In many ways, blended learning combines the best of both worlds.


v  Rise in use of the learning management system: Educational institutes are going through a rising demand of learning management systems. It’s providing a great opportunity to the companies, who are developing and strengthening the learning management system. There is a rise in the demand of soft copy of learning material across the institutes. 

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