Monday 24 May 2021

Mahabharat Fame Actor Aayush Shah And His Sister Mausam Shah Cyberbullied By Ex-employee, Mumbai Police Team Effective In Catching Hold Of The Accused

Haryana (Cheeka) based Rohit Goyal, a 24year-old and his partner Harshit Dharamvir Mital, who worked with PR professional Mausam Shah and her brother, actor Aayush Shah, harassed her through offensive use of her identity on social media and blackmailed the brother-sister duo for money.

PR professional Mausam Shah, Mumbai-based caters to several big celebrities and brands in the entertainment industry and her brother Aayush who is an actor. When the Shah’s decided to terminate her employee on grounds of non-performance and misdemeanour, he started threatening Aayush and demanding an unreasonable amount of money. On refusal, the accused even started contacting the people through social media the duo are close to and one of them is a close family friend Bishwajit Ghosh who is a singer by profession and even he was asked for extortion and if not given threats to kill him and his family. The accused further harassed the Shah’s by leaking the identity of Mausam on social media in a sexually-offensive context and leaking the contact number of her brother calling him ‘her dealer’. Mausam and her family were subject to severe harassment, loss of reputation and trauma due to the obscene incoming calls.

The Shah’s reported this incident to V.P Road police station, Mumbai and sought help from Mumbai Police. Zone II ACP Rajendra Chavan and senior P.I. Hemant Bawdhankar with investigation officer P.I. Avinash Mandale under his guidance to the team, P.S.I. Abhijit Deshmukh, HC Dinesh Suryavanshi, HC Santosh More, PN Jitendra Salve, PC Maruti Kumbhar and PC Kumar Patharut, diligently investigated the matter, conducted an elaborate search for the accused and tracked him down. He allegedly fled to his hometown in Haryana after the incident. The team of officers went undercover and were successful in busting him in his locality.

The case is now filed at the V.P. Road station and necessary action is being taken. The prompt remedy by Mumbai Police has restored the faith of Shah and family in the legal system. On behalf of Mausam, her brother issued a statement saying, “Although social media is a powerful tool, some people use it for personal propaganda that can result in traumatizing situations for the victim. Please refrain from using social media to tarnish someone’s identity, especially women. The Mumbai Police has supported us in every way possible and we can’t thank them enough but such crimes need to stop. One needs to be aware of the correct use of social media and creating fake accounts cannot let one go off from his or her real identity.”

The accused are under police custody right now and the Mumbai police team is looking into it in the best possible way.

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