Thursday 20 May 2021

When the cast and crew of Prem Bandhan came to each others rescue

Mumbai, 20th May 2021: The industry is working hard and sometimes even round the clock to provide viewers with a daily dose of entertainment. With numerous restrictions and protocols to adhere to, the challenges also continue to increase. The cast and crew of Dangal TV’s Prem Bandhan too are doing all that must be done to keep themselves safe and ensure that viewers aren’t missing out on seeing their favorite Harsh and Janki on screen.

With limited access to resources and manpower, the team at Prem Bandhan has been taking on roles much beyond their responsibilities.  Actors onsets are often seen helping the creative team with props. And crew members have turned into junior artists. All of this only so the show goes on.  

Speaking about how the entire team gets together and goes the extra mile, Monika Khanna who plays Vandana in the show, says, “We are working in a bio-bubble with a limited number of people allowed in the premises. When a scene requires junior artists, our crew members come  to our rescue as it is difficult  to get additional people. Our team is extremely cooperative. This happened recently when  we required a dupe for a sequence. At times, if the art team is missing out on a prop, we help them with our personal items. We used our own suitcases for a recent scene that required them. This is a team I am grateful to work with as each and every person, no matter which department they are from, they are ready to give their everything for the show to be successful.”

Monika also says, she is very grateful for all that she is getting to do in these testing times. She hopes and prays that the situation stabilises as soon as possible and we all can get back to our normal lives.

Prem Bandhan is a story about an independent girl who has the responsibility of her family on her shoulders and how she meets a cross road and ends up marrying a businessman with a mysterious past. Watch Prem Bandhan from Monday to Saturday at 10pm only on Dangal TV.

Dangal TV is available on leading cable networks and DTH platforms – DD Free Dish (CHN NO 29), Tata Sky (CHN NO 177), Airtel (CHN NO 125), Dish TV (CHN NO 119) Sun Direct (328) and Videocon D2H (CHN NO 106)

जब प्रेम बंधन की कास्ट और क्रू एक-दूसरे की मदद के लिए पहुंचे

मुंबई, 20 मई 2021: टेलीविजन इंडस्ट्री इस कठिन समय में भी दर्शकों के मनोरंजन के लिए कड़ी मेहनत कर रहा है और कभी-कभी चौबीसों घंटे भी काम करते है।  कई प्रतिबंधों और प्रोटोकॉल का पालन करने के साथचुनौतियां भी बढ़ती जा रही हैं। दंगल टीवी के शो प्रेम बंधन के कलाकार और क्रू भी खुद को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए हर संभव प्रयास कर रहे हैं और यह सुनिश्चित करते हैं कि दर्शक अपने पसंदीदा हर्ष और जानकी को स्क्रीन पर देखने को मिस ना करें।

संसाधनों और जनशक्ति तक सीमित पहुंच के साथप्रेम बंधन की टीम अपनी जिम्मेदारियों से कहीं अधिक भूमिकाएं निभा रही है।  सेट पर अभिनेताओं को अक्सर क्रिएटिव टीम को प्रॉप्स के साथ मदद करते देखा जाता है। और क्रू मेंबर्स जूनियर आर्टिस्ट बन गए हैं। यह सब सिर्फ शो के लिए है।

इस बारे में बात करते हुए कि कैसे पूरी टीम एक साथ हो जाती है और एक दूसरे की सहायता करती हैमोनिका खन्ना कहती हैं, “हम एक बायो-बबल में काम कर रहे हैंजिसमें सीमित संख्या में लोगों को सेट में अनुमति दी गई है। जब किसी दृश्य में जूनियर कलाकारों की आवश्यकता होती हैतो हमारे क्रू मेंबर्स जगह ले लेते है क्योंकि ज्यादा लोगों को सेट पर लाना मुश्किल होता है।  हमारी टीम बेहद सपोर्टिव है। यह हाल ही में हुआ जब हमें एक सीक्वेंस के लिए बॉडी डबल चाहिए था। कभी-कभीअगर क्रिएटिव टीम के पास कोई प्रॉप नही होतातो हम अपने पर्सनल सामानों के साथ उनकी मदद करते हैं। हमने हाल के एक सीन के लिए अपने सूटकेस का उपयोग किया जिसकी उन्हें आवश्यकता थी। यह एक ऐसी टीम है जिसकी मैं आभारी हूंनक्योंकि चाहे वे किसी भी डिपार्टमेंट से होंवे शो को सफल बनाने के लिए अपना सब कुछ देने के लिए तैयार हैं। ”

मोनिका यह भी कहती है की वह बहुत आभारी हैं की उन्हें इस कठिन समय में काम कर मिला है। वह उम्मीद और प्रार्थना करती है कि स्थिति जल्द से जल्द बेहतर हो जाए और हम सभी अपने सामान्य जीवन में वापस  सकें।

प्रेम बंधन एक स्वतंत्र लड़की की कहानी है जो अपने परिवार की जिम्मेदारी अपने कंधों पर लेती है और कैसे वह एक रहस्यमय अतीत होनेवाले एक व्यापारी से शादी कर लेती है। शो एक अनूठी कहानी  का वादा करता है जो दर्शकों को उत्साहित करेगा। देखिये प्रेम बंधन सोमवार से शनिवार शाम 10 बजे दंगल टीवी पर ।

दंगल टीवी केबल नेटवर्क और डीटीएच प्लेटफॉर्म पर उपलब्ध है - डीडी फ्री डिश (चैनल नंबर 29), टाटा स्काई (चैनल नंबर 177), एयरटेल (चैनल नंबर 125), डिश टीवी (चैनल नंबर 119) सन डायरेक्ट (328) और वीडियोकॉन D2H (चैनल NO 106)।

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