Saturday, 12 March 2022

Comedian Anu Menon joins Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad movement with a unique take on household equality!


~ Changes name from Anu to Anil, says – If this is what it takes to get men to #ShareTheLoad ~

Mumbai: March 11th, 2022 - Anu Menon, a comedienne par excellence more famously known by her screen name Lola Kutty, today surprised her fans by taking to social media to highlight gender inequality at home. To support the recently launched Ariel STL movement, Anu’s video shows her changing her name to Anil— her husband’s best friend, to prove a very important point. Known for breaking stereotypes and addressing relevant questions about the society we live in through her innate sense of humour, Anu brought attention to gender inequality in the sharing of household chores through the video she posted on her social media handles after she saw laundry detergent brand Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad #See Equal film that deeply affected her.

In her video, Anu says that when her husband and his best friend Anil were roommates, they would share the load of all the household chores, but she’s never seen him help her with any household chores except for one day two years back when he cut an apple for her. That day was so rare, that she had to note it down in her diary! She justifies her desire to change her name to Anil because maybe, then, she’ll see her husband revert to the time when household chores were a norm for him.

Anu Menon’s video link –

Anu Menon’s name change is a satirical take on the reality of today where men take pride in sharing the household chores with other men be it roommates or hostel mates but shy away from partaking equal responsibilities at home with their wives.

Anu Menon’s name change to Anil implies that if men find it easier to share the load with other men, it’s sad that we need to keep husbands best friend’s name because only when we see equal, we share the load! As per research conducted by Ariel, 73% men did their share of household chores when they were staying with other men or roommates but stopped when they got married.

“The recent #SeeEqual to #ShareTheLoad film by Ariel really got me thinking about the disparity in the division of household chores. The question that it raised stayed with me – if men can split the chores with their friends, roommates, brothers… then why not with their wives? Clearly, unconscious bias stemming from stereotypical gender roles comes in the way. So, in my own way, I want to fuel more conversations around this. And if changing my name to my husband’s best friend’s name can get the attention of men and has potential to bring about change, then why not?” says Anu Menon.

Ariel’s survey further revealed that 80% women believe their partners know how to do household tasks but choose not to do them. The same men, who chose to take up household chores when living with other men, are not doing their share of work in the house with their wives. This ‘choice’ reflected a mindset arising from years of unconscious bias. Around 83% women felt that men don’t see women as equal when it comes to housework. Through its revolutionary #ShareTheLoad campaign, Ariel is reminding families, that true equality is only reflected when domestic chores are shared.

Ariel launched the fifth edition of its long running #ShareTheLoad campaign with a #SeeEqual film on February 11, 2022. The film has since received an overwhelming response sparking numerous relevant conversations from across quarters - both nationally and Internationally. The film has so far received 45million views.

Link of Ariel #SeeEqual, #ShareTheLoad film-

Ariel has been at the forefront of driving progress towards a more equal tomorrow and laundry is one aspect of the change the brand is trying to drive across the country to break years of conditioning. To challenge the norms that are so deeply entrenched in the way we go about our daily lives, is a long journey, but one that requires a dedicated focus and long-term commitment by big brands like Ariel.

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