Thursday 28 April 2022

&TV artists share their favourite fan moments

The undying love of a fan turns an artist into a celebrity. We have come across several stories of fans talking about their favourite star and their love for them. However, in contrast, &TV artists talk about their fans, who have showered them with immense love and appreciation. These include Aan Tiwari (Baal Shiv, Baal Shiv), Pawan Singh (Ramesh Prasad Mishra, Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai?), Yogesh Tripathi (Happu Singh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan) and Shubhangi Atre (Angoori Bhabi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai).

Aan Tiwari (Baal Shiv, Baal Shiv) shares, “My character is loved a lot by the audience, but I feel extremely special when people address me as Baal Shiv in real life too. To have people around who look up to me as Baal Shiv is a unique feeling. One incident which will always be very special to me is when I went to Varanasi to celebrate Dev Deepawali. I went on the stage at Assi Ghat, and as soon as I chanted Har Har Mahadev, people in more than lakhs started chanting ‘Har-Har Mahadev’ repeatedly after me. It was a surreal experience. I am thankful to all my fans. It is the most special bond that I will cherish forever.” Pawan Singh (Ramesh Prasad Mishra, Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai?) says, “When we started shooting for Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai? I did not expect my character to get so much admiration from the viewers. But I am lucky that the audience loves watching me on screen and the happiest moment for me is when fans come to meet us on sets. One fan I particularly remember waited the entire afternoon to meet me as we were busy shooting. And the moment I saw him, he immediately came running to me and hugged me. I felt so nice. Knowing how much I like drinking tea and love snacking, they made special tea and homemade snacks. They were so humble and sweet. It made me feel as if I had known them for years. Such moments are truly extraordinary.”

Yogesh Tripathi (Happu Singh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan) adds, “Fans are very important in the actor's life as they are ones to make or break us. It is because of them that we are who we are today. Fans have their special ways of showing their love, and one such fan that I vividly remember is Manoj Sinha, a renowned cartoonist who drew a caricature of my character, Daroga Happu Singh! The caricature is my absolute favourite, and I have it framed and hung in my makeup room. Not just that, but I have received numerous paintings and sketches from other incredibly talented fans from across the country, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the love and appreciation.” Shubhangi Atre (Angoori Bhabi, &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai) adds, “Every artist thrive on the love they receive from the audience, and I am blessed to receive so much love from my fans. But one gesture that touched my heart and I felt truly honoured was when I came across a lookalike goddess statue on social media. Many people had tagged me, pointing out how that idol looked like me. I was honestly quite emotional when I saw that picture. It was one of the most memorable moments to see someone going out of their way to show their love and affection to me. It truly made me feel very special. I will be forever indebted to the artist for this gesture.”

Tune in to watch Baal Shiv at 8:00 PM, Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai? at 9:30 PM, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 PM and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 PM, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV! 

एण्डटीवी के कलाकारों ने अपने सबसे बेहतरीन फैन मोमेंट्स के बारे में बताया

एक प्रशंसक का अटूट प्यार किसी भी कलाकार को एक सेलेब्रिटी बना देता है। हमने कई बार प्रशंसकों को अपने चहेते सितारे के बारे में बात करते और उनके लिये अपना प्यार जताते हुए देखा है। हालांकिइसके विपरीतएण्डटीवी के कलाकार अपने उन प्रशंसकों के बारे में बात कर रहे हैंजिन्होंने उन्हें काफी प्यार दिया और खूब सराहना की है। इन कलाकारों में शामिल हैंआन तिवारी (‘बाल शिव’ के बाल शिव), पवन सिंह (‘और भई क्या चल रहा है?’ के रमेश प्रसाद मिश्रा), योगेश त्रिपाठी (‘हप्पू की उलटन पलटन’ के हप्पू सिंहऔर शुभांगी अत्रे (‘भाबीजी घर पर हैं’ की अंगूरी भाबी)

आन तिवारी (‘बाल शिव’ के बाल शिवने कहा, ‘‘मेरे किरदार को दर्शकों ने काफी प्यार दिया हैलेकिन मुझे तब बहुत खास लगता हैजब असल जिन्दगी में भी लोग मुझे बाल शिव कहकर पुकारते हैं। मेरे इर्द-गिर्द मुझे बाल शिव के रूप में देखने वाले लोग एक अनोखा एहसास देते हैं। एक घटनाजो हमेशा मेरे लिये बहुत खास रहेगीवह तब की हैजब मैं देव दीपावली मनाने के लिये वाराणसी गया था। मैं अस्सी घाट में मंच पर गया और मैंने जैसे ही हर हर महादेव कहालाखों लोगों ने मेरे बाद हर हर महादेव बोलना शुरू कर दिया। वह सपने के जैसा अनुभव था। मैं अपने सभी प्रशंसकों का शुक्रगुजार हूँ। यह सबसे खास रिश्ता हैजिसे मैं हमेशा संजोकर रखूंगा।’’ पवन सिंह (‘और भई क्या चल रहा है?’ के रमेश प्रसाद मिश्राने कहा, ‘‘जब हमने ‘और भई क्या चल रहा है?’ की शूटिंग शुरू की थीतब मुझे उम्मीद नहीं थी कि मेरे किरदार को दर्शक इतना पसंद करेंगे। लेकिन मैं भाग्य शाली हूँ कि दर्शकों को मुझे स्क्रीन पर देखना अच्छा लगता है और मेरा सबसे खुशनुमा पल वह हैजब प्रशंसक सेट पर हमसे मिलने आते हैं। खासतौर से मुझे एक प्रशंसक याद हैजो मुझसे मिलने के लिये पूरी दोपहर इंतजार करता रहा और हम शूटिंग में व्यस्त थे। और जब मैंने उसे देखावह दौड़कर मेरे पास आया और मुझे गले लगा लिया। मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा। मुझे चाय और स्नैक्स कितने पसंद हैंयह जानकर उन्होंने खास चाय और घर के बने स्नैक्स दिये। वे बहुत विनम्र

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