Saturday 18 January 2020

Building Troy like Master Oogway would Re: A Bowl of Tex-Mex Magic at the New York Burrito Company, Now in Matunga!

While you google that (and then make it your insta story 'question of the day'), I'm going to be spending 11 days in the hills, meditating on the 'real response' to what constitutes that intangible thought.
This time the SOS hasn't come from you - there are no last minute gigs, crisis, bad reviews or conceptual goofups - it's come from my soul. So that should make my SOS - an 'SMS' no? 
Gettit? #okaysorry #butyet #savemysoul #please
In case you need to connect urgently, please remember that even Troy needed time to build the wooden horse. Much like Brad Pit and Rachel Weisz, stealth and strategy are tools of our art, so maybe allow me to go incognito for a few days whilst I renew battle (& heart) comms and contact Anurag on 9820850155 / in supersleuth mode.
For those who just emailed for some fun, the following riddle is specially for you -
"imagine you are in a dark room, how do you get out?"
Ummm, the answer is.. *drumrolls*.. stop imagining it! 
The pressure of delivering for your entertainment is just too much, unless you're Trevor Noah. Then, you're simply God. And you must expect *A LOT* from me #callmemaybe?
Also, in case you must call? The image below communicates my feelings most adequately. 

Ooh ooh and those who have bet on my return from vanvas before due time? The picture below is intended for you. 

Now which is for which?
If the hat fits, wear it.  For as Master Oogway said, "there are no accidents".
Till 27th with much love,

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