Wednesday 29 January 2020

HPCL actively participates in Saksham Cyclothon 2020 - एचपीसीएलकीसक्षमसायक्‍लोथॉन 2020 मेंसक्रियप्रतिभागिता

दिनांक : 29.01.2020

सततसमाज - पर्यावरणीयजागरूकताकेअपनेप्रयासमें, पेट्रोलियमसंरक्षणतथाअनुसंधानअसोसिएशन (पीसीआरए) नेएचपीसीएलएवंअन्यतेलविपणनकंपनियोंकेसाथदेशभरमें19 जनवरी, 2020कोसक्षमसायक्लोथॉनआयोजितकिया।
इसवर्षसक्षमसायक्लोथॉनदेशभरमें200शहरोंमेंआयोजितकियागयाजिसमेंएचपीसीएलनेकरीब44 शहरोंमेंप्रतिभागिताकी।
सक्षमसायक्लोथॉन, भारतकामुख्यसायक्लोथॉनहैजिसकाउद्देशहमारेदेशकेनागरिकोंमेंतेलसंरक्षणतथाप्रभावीउर्जाउपयोगकेमहत्वकाप्रचारकरनाहै।सायक्लोथॉनकाउद्देश्यलोगोंकोतेलसंरक्षण, पर्यावरणसुरक्षाकेप्रतिजागरूककरनाहैऔरछोटेअंतरकेलिएसाइकिलकेप्रयोगकोप्रोत्साहितकरनाहैजिससेनसिर्फतेलकीबचतहोगीबल्किग्रीनपर्यावरणतथाबेहतरस्वास्थ्यस्थितियोंकेसृजनमेंभीसहायतामिलेगी।
सायकिलिंगउनलोगोंकोआर्थिकरूपसेतथास्वतंत्रयात्राउपलब्धकराताहैजिनकेपासअन्यथायात्राकेविकल्पसीमितहैं।यहआबादीकेकईसमूहोंकोस्वामित्वकीकमदरोंकेसाथज्यादागतिशीलताप्रदानकरताहैजैसेकमआमदनीवाले, बेरोजगारलोग, वरिष्ठलोगतथा18वर्षसेकमआयुकेलोग।यहस्वास्थ्यसेलेकरपर्यावरण, आर्थिकतथापरिवहनीयलाभोंकेसाथबहुलाभदेताहै।यहछोटेअंतरजैसेकार्यपरजानेकेलिएसाइकलकाप्रयोग, आस-पासकेस्थानोंपरजानाजैसीकमअंतरकीदैनिकगतिविधियोंकेलिएअयंत्रिकृतप्रकारकापरिवहनहै।यहभीड़कोकमकरऔरट्राफिकफ्लोकोआसानकरपरिवहनउत्सर्जनकमकरनेमेंयोगदानदेताहै।यहतेलपरअत्यधिकनिर्भरताकोकमकरनेकासंदेशभीप्रचारितकरताहै।

Date: 29.01.2020


In an effort to instill socio-environmental consciousness, Petroleum Conservation and Research Association (PCRA) in association with HPCL and other OMCs conducted SakshamCyclothon 2020 across the country on 19th January 2020.
This year SakshamCyclothon was conducted in 200 cities across the country in which HPCL participated in around 44 cities.
SakshamCyclothon is India’s Premier Cyclothon, which aims to propagate the importance of fuel conservation and efficient energy utilization, amongst the citizens of our Nation. The Cyclothon aims to create awareness among the people about the fuel conservation, environment protection and promote the use of cycle for short distances, which will not only save fuel but also help in creating a greener environment and better health conditions.
Cycling provides economic and independent travel for those who might otherwise have their travel options restricted. It offers increased mobility to many groups of the population with low rates of car ownership, such as low income earners, unemployed people, seniors and those under 18 years of age. It renders multi-pronged benefit starting from health to environment, economic, social and transport benefits. Cycling is one of the non-mechanized modes of transport for short distances for day to day activities such as cycling to work, riding to nearby places etc. It contributes to the reduction of vehicular emissions by reducing congestion and improving traffic flow. It also propagates the message of reducing excessive dependency on oil.

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