Monday 27 January 2020


January 27, 2020, New Delhi: The high number of casualties during fires that occurred in the National Capital recently showed poor planning and lax enforcement of safety regulations. Most of the buildings in our cities fail to meet fire safety and other norms exposing people to hazards. Lack of fire safety training and how to deal with such incidents only makes matters worse. Children are the most vulnerable in such situations. In this context, SEEDS, as a part of its  Honeywell Safe Schools programme conducted a fire safety workshop at Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya (SKV) No. 3, Mandawali, to educate children about fire safety and recovery methods . 
Mr Yezdani Rahman, Chief of Programmes, SEEDS, said,  The Honeywell Safe Schools programme involves preparing school children to deal with various disasters, like earthquake, landslide, cloud burst or fire accidents, road accidents, etc. The recent fire incidents in the city  re-instil the  need of safety training among communities.  Under the programme, we regularly educate children on safety and disaster preparedness aspects. Keeping the recent occurrence of fire accidents, we planned this month’s interactive session to spread awareness about fire safety.”
During the event, participants were counselled on facets of fire safety with a mock drill. The drill began with a siren which was a cue for the children to evacuate the building and assemble at a common point. Thereafter, a live demonstration was given on search and rescue procedures, involving rescuing of people trapped in a building that is surrounded in flames. The session also included treating burn injuries. Children were also taught how to use fire extinguishers.
The students found the session on fire safety every informative and felt that each student should be aware on all aspects pertaining to procedures to follow in case of a fire. Some of the students also shared that although they have seen fire extinguishers placed in various buildings, they were unware on how to use them. The session turned out to be extremely enriching and full of learnings for them.
SEEDS (Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society) is a not-for-profit organisation that enables community resilience through practical solutions in the areas of disaster readiness, response and rehabilitation. Since 1994, the organization has worked extensively on every major disaster in the Indian subcontinent – grafting innovative technology on to traditional wisdom. It has reached out to families affected by disasters and climate stresses; strengthened and rebuilt schools and homes; and has invariably put its faith in skill-building, planning and communications to foster long-term resilience. SEEDS is also India’s first agency to be certified for the global Core Humanitarian Standards – an international certification system for quality and accountability in humanitarian response. SEEDS completed 25 years of outstanding service to humanity in 2019 and is re-anchoring its approach to building resilience through innovation. It continues to empower the most vulnerable across Asia to build a better future. For more information, visit
About Honeywell Safe Schools Program
Honeywell Safe Schools is a pioneering school safety program that brings a tailor-made, child-first approach towards risk reduction, empowering children to become change agents for building resilience in the communities. Funded by Honeywell India and implemented by SEEDS India, the program involves structural assessment of 50 Delhi government schools by engineers and architects; evaluation of risk perception among children, teachers and parents; and examination of preparedness in the face of any natural or manmade disaster. The program has already reached 52,000 children, 45,000 parents and 2,200 teachers across 50 Government schools in East Delhi and as the extension of it in the state of Uttarakhand will be reaching out to 31,000 children, 50,000 parents, and 700 teachers across 100 Government schools in Haridwar and Dehradun districts

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