Thursday 2 January 2020

The Changing face of the family club in India: trends for 2020

By Mr Rajesh Shetty, General Manager, The Acres Club and the Fern Residency 
With the increasingly hectic urban lifestyle, the invasion of the digital world into our everyday lives and schedules that involve navigating through hours of traffic, the need for a relaxed space to unwind and rejuvenate, has become the need of the hour. Despite the series of modern amenities, including club houses offered in several housing societies, the stand alone ‘club’ – an evolution from the erstwhile ‘gymkhanas’ that were once prerogative of the elites, are re-inventing the urban leisure experience.With state of the art design that offers the much needed green breathing spaces, modern activity centres and clubs are turning into popular weekend destinations where families can relax and enjoy a peaceful weekend, while enjoying the best in culinary and entertainment experience, in addition to a fully equipped activity centre.
Some key trends and growth drivers that are popularising the urban clubs as the family weekend destination:
-          Quality culinary experiences:
More than the fine dining restaurant experience, culinary offerings at the family clubs come with the added luxury ofrelaxed and extended family meals which are served in a private environment open only to club members. Also, a lazy meal at after a day full of active sport or entertainment experience, within the same premise, can offer a relaxed experience, deserving of a wonderful weekend sojourn. Most clubs now boast of international food festivals and theme based menus from time to time, adding to the flavours and richness of dining with the family and friends.
-          Leisure Family time
Apart from fine dining, and activity centres, the clubs now also offer relaxed family time opportunities with spa and Jacuzzi, steam and sauna as well as open air café, open lawn seating etc., where families, including young parents, senior citizens and children can enjoy a peaceful and relaxed time in the outdoors, within a safe and green environment.
-          Essential Social Connect
Being a close knit, members only community, the clubs have also been gaining popularity as they offer a platform for personal connect and engagement. In a world choking on virtual social interactions, the lifestyle clubs have become catalysts in enhancing real world connect among family and friends.
-          Destination for celebrations
Equipped with banquet halls and option for open air celebrations, clubs are also doubling up as the chosen spot for family celebrations. Be it birthdays, engagements, retirement or even intimate wedding ceremonies, the modern cub banquets offer the perfect backdrop for a warm and luxurious venue to enjoy the milestones in life with friends and family.
-          Sports and Activity centre
Physical fitness and sports play a major role in overall wellbeing of a person. Be in the gym, outdoor sports arenas or fun activity areas, moderns clubs today offer some of the best in class, fully equipped activity centres for the entire family. From power yoga sessions and state of the art gyms to table tennis, basketball and swimming as well as zumba, dance and aerobics sessions for women and children, the offerings cater to the varied tastes and preferences of its members. Workshops with prominent sportspeople, training the patrons in a sport, are also exclusive benefits offered by some clubs.
-          Exclusive events and entertainment
Nothing helps to unwind more than Music and live Entertainment! Be it emerging singers, stand-up comedies, cultural events and performances or new, live band performances, the clubs have also become a springboard for new talent which can offer fresh entertainment content to the club’s patrons. Adding to the holistic experience of the club, the events and entertainment offerings often also help drive non-member participation.
-          Superior Hospitality services
All of the above experiences can be delivered only if backed by very high standards of hospitality which makes one feel welcome and cared for. Especially as a lifestyle club for families, hospitality services could make a world of difference, to ensure every member of the family feels at home and comfortable. The fact that clubs have now become a ‘home away from home’ anda favoured ‘staycation destination’ for millennials and young families, says a lot about the integrated services and experiences offered with the perfect blend of world class hospitality services.
As an integrated, well designed and strategically located venue, lifestyle clubs are proving to be a much sought after place for businessmen, millennial entrepreneurs, corporate honchos and young professionals to seek quality time in a luxurious and comfortable ambience, within the heart of the city. Such experiential clubs seem to be the future especially,for Millennials who are willing to spend more on experiences rather than materialistic acquisitions (As per a study conducted by Harris Poll and Eventbrite). This is clearly reflected in the preference of services such as Airbnb, Uber, Ola etc among Millenials who wish to soak in experiences around them rather than splurge on homes and cars. This is further endorsed through the report by World Data lab that states that by 2020, the global Millennial spending power will overtake Gen X, thereby giving them a greater say and impact on product and service offerings across categories.

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