Wednesday 20 January 2021

FICCI FLO - Expectations from Budget 2021

“The Pandemic has led to significant setbacks across the socio-economic fabric of
the country. In order to ensure development and growth, it is critical to incorporate adequate policy planning and programs to ensure that women are able to get the benefits of these schemes. There is a need to also address areas like upskilling of the female workforce, more women in tech and women entrepreneurship. Due to the pandemic induced lockdown women, entrepreneurs suffered from factors such as lack of orders, supply chain disruptions, limited workforce, and financial crunch. We hope the budget addresses these areas by providing relaxation in taxation policies, new schemes for driving women entrepreneurship opportunities such as increasing the availability of collateral free loans for women entrepreneurs especially in MSMEs and start-ups”.

Jahnabi Phookan, President, FICCI FLO


FLO is the women wing of the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). FLO was established in 1983, as a division of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) which is the apex body of industry and commerce in India. FLO has been promoting entrepreneurship and professional excellence among women through workshops, seminars, conferences, training and capacity building programmers, etc. As an All India Organisation for women, FLO has 17 Chapters pan India - Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Mumbai, Northeast, Pune, Amritsar, Northeast & Uttarakhand, with its Head Office in New Delhi.  Its members comprise entrepreneurs, professionals, and Corporate Executives.

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