Wednesday 16 June 2021

Hair masks for Different hair problems by Dr. Blossom Kochhar

Hair fall is a huge concern for many women across the world, and if you are one of them, you should know that there are many treatments that can help you deal with this issue.
The only problem is that not everyone has enough time to visit the salon to get one of these treatments. With your busy schedule, taking time out to get your hair treated can be a hassle. However, there are various options. An efficient and smart way to prevent and stop hair loss permanently is to try out some homemade hair masks.

  • During summers our hair becomes oily & greasy so it is better to avoid hair packs rather go for rinses. Go for a vinegar rinse, use simple or apple cider vinegar, add it to your last mug of water and just pour it on your hair. If you do this 2-3 times a week you will see how beautifully your hair will shine. In case you feel you are having hair fall because of vinegar rinse, reduce the quantity of vinegar that you put in your mug. Another rinse that you can try is, tea water rinse. This will give body to your hair. One more rise that you can try is to take equal amounts of soda and water and add a few ice cubes to it. Have your last rinse with this to make your hair look fresh and frizz free.  
  • Sun damaged hair needs proper care especially if you are out in the sun often or if your hairs are chemically treated. The UV rays weaken your hair shaft and fade the colour of your hair. Make a nourishing pack at home by mixing 1 banana with 1 teaspoon of cream, and a quarter teaspoon of castor oil. Keep it packed for half an hour and rinse it off thoroughly. It might take 1-2 washes for the banana to completely go from hair, but trust me it’s the best nourishing hair pack that you can easily do at home
  • Oily hair can be very difficult to maintain, you are always busy scheduling your hair wash and thinking if you are over-shampooing your hair. Oiling becomes impossible, hair masks make hair oilier and you just wish you had dry hair. Coconut milk is the healthiest natural ingredient for healthy hair. The remedy you should try, mix freshly extracted coconut milk with a squeezed lemon and 4-5 drops of lavender essential oils. Leave it on for 4-5 hours and then rinse it off.
  • Change in a season can make the scalp or hair either dry, oily or both. During a season comprising hot and humid weather, our scalp is usually oily because of excessive sebum secretion and sweating. The hair gets dry due to sun exposure and heat. Whereas seasons containing dry and cold weather, make both scalp and hair dry. So, whenever there is a change of the season, keep the scalp and hair clean and moisturised. Use shampoo and conditioner at least thrice a week. Both should be mild and made with natural ingredients.
  • Those who want to know the best solution for hair growth then there is a very simple solution sitting in your kitchen. The vitamins, minerals and fatty acids in ginger promotes hair stimulation which leads to hair growth. Ginger has gingerol in it which improves blood circulation which also leads to hair growth. Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, argan oil, onion juice, half teaspoon castor oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, 1 drop of rosemary essential oil and 1 teaspoon of ginger juice. Mix these all together and finally add 1 teaspoon of your conditioner. Apply it thoroughly on your scalp and hair strands, keep it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with your shampoo. You can use a light conditioner afterwards if your hair is too dry. This will not only make your hair grow faster but will also add luster to your hair.
  • It is very common to have dry & brittle hair. Excess use of hair colour, chemicals and exposure to sun can lead to dry & dull hair. But we don’t want that so a simple solution for that is by making a conditioning pack at home. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons of hair conditioner, depending on the length of your hair, with 1 teaspoon glycerine and quarter teaspoon of vinegar to add shine to your hair along with a few drops of sandalwood essential oil. This pack gives instant sheen and lustre to your hair.
  • One thing I am absolutely sure of, most of us have one common enemy and that is dandruff. No matter how much oiling we do, having dandruff in summers due to sweating is inevitable. So, to combat this enemy the best thing which you can try is, mix half tablespoon of lemon with quarter teaspoon of vinegar. Use a cotton ball to apply it all over your scalp, and then comb your hair after application. It might cause some irritation or itching but don’t worry that means it is working. Do this once a week only as too much sour can lead to hair fall.
  • There is one thing that we completely forget when we have damaged hair, we will go to salons for treatments, apply the most expensive hair care products but we absolutely ignore the most potent thing that can reverse hair damage. A good hot oil massage. Take a tablespoon of coconut/olive oil.  Add a teaspoon of castor oil. Add 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil in it.  Heat a little and massage it gently in your scalp and hair at night.  Shampoo it out in the morning.  Follow this routine at least once in two weeks. In my years of experience, I have found this one really helpful.

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