Thursday 16 June 2022

Chef Shipra’s YOTD challenge in the upcoming episode of Chef Vs Fridge Season 2 is – ‘Tandoor’


Just 13 weeks ago, Zee Café brought to the viewers a show full of entertainment and culinary insights. Filled with multiple challenges from the judges and the Boss Chiller, it presents a roller coaster ride where two expert chefs compete against each other to win the title of culinary champion of the year. The next episode which is the last episode of this season comes with a unique theme ‘forms of fire’ in which the contestants have to use any three different kinds of heating methods in their dishes. To add to the challenge, Chef Shipra who is a celebrity chef and the judge of this season of Chef Vs Fridge introduced tandoor as the YOTD- Yantra of the Day which the contestants had to incorporate into their cooking.

Speaking about the challenge, the contestant in the show Chef Jyoti said, “I had hardly used this tandoor. Mostly I have worked with electric or grill tandoor and hence this was a challenge for me.” Getting further into the challenge Boss Chiller gave them another jhatka by presenting chana dal as an ingredient. Chef Vinod shared, “My nervousness ended seeing the chana dal as it is an important ingredient in a tandoor dish” while Chef Jyoti shared that her mind got blank after seeing the dal as normally, we use chana dal after soaking but here there was no time left for it.

Who succeeds in the last challenge to win the title of culinary champion of the day? Watch the episode this Sunday at 8 PM only on Zee Café

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