Monday 11 September 2023

INDIA EARNS TOTAL TRUST OF THE G20. Historic G20 New Delhi Declaration.

All India Association of Industries (AIAI) expresses gratitude to the G20 Nations for unanimously accepting the New Delhi Declaration on 9th September 2023. This historic document was finalized on the very first day of the G20 Summit 2023 that India hosted in Delhi as the President. This indeed is an achievement.  Over 200 hours of hectic, hard negotiations by our excellent G20 team lead by Sherpa Shri. Amitabh Kant and our External Affairs Minister Shri. Dr. S. Jaishankar has borne fruit, bringing out this 100 percent consensus without any reservations, footnotes or observations.  This indeed is a remarkable feat by India.

India has obtained universal consent on vital reforms in areas such as Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, Acceleration of U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), Green Development Pact, Multilateral Institutions, Technological Transformation, Digital Public Infrastructure, International Taxation, Gender Equality, Working Group for Women and Girl Empowerment, Gender inclusive Climate Action, Climate Finance, Women Food Security and Nutrition, Financial Sector Reforms, Countering Terrorism and Money Laundering, Crypto Asset Regulations, Creation of Larger Inclusive World Community and so forth.

The G20 Summit also saw the launching of two ambitious initiatives by India 1. Global Bio Fuels Alliance (GBA), 2. India – Middle East – Europe Corridor (IMEC). This is seen as a game changer project that will boost trade and movement in the region.

Dr. Vijay Kalantri, President - All India Association of Industries (AIAI) and Chairman, MVIRDC WTC Mumbai, while expressing his pleasure and gratitude said, this document reveals the true spirit of One Earth, One Family for One Future under the theme of Vasudaivakutumbkam promoted by our Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi. 

He further elaborated that Indian Diplomacy truly has evolved stronger by sending out a powerful message to the world in a manner that no one could object to.  This is great soft diplomacy in the right direction.  India’s message that ‘Today’s Era Must Not be of War’ has earned universal acclaim by silencing the naysayers and negative forces in the global geopolitics. By admitting the African Union into G20, India has strengthened G20 making it inclusive to create a potent Global South.  By handing over the Presidency to Brazil, India has given a tough road map for the G21 Brazil 2024.

Dr. Kalantri, however, stressed that it is time for the G20 nations to ‘Walk the Talk’ since this document gives deliverable proposals to implement. He says, that The G20 New Delhi Summit has emphasized the importance of the MSME who will become a key force for development across the world to bring peace and prosperity among all.  Let us together build a resilient, sustainable and clean society across the world as One Family for a great future.

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