Tuesday 18 August 2020

एचपीसीएलने74 वांस्वतंत्रतादिवसमनाया - HPCL celebrates 74th Independence Day



राष्ट्रका74 वाँस्वतंत्रतादिवसएचपीसीएलनेराष्ट्रीयध्वजफहराकरमनाया| कॉरपोरेटमुख्यालय, विपणनमुख्यालय, मुंबईएवंविशाखरिफाइनरीऔरदेशमेंफैलेविभिन्नलोकेशनोंपरध्वजारोहणकियागया।

आजकेचुनौतीपूर्णसमयमें,कोविड -19 सेसंबंधितसावधानियोंऔरसभीसुरक्षाप्रोटोकॉल्सकापालनकरतेहुएअवसरकोमनायागया |

देशभरकेरिटेलआउट्लेट्सऔरएलपीजीडिस्ट्रीब्यूटर्समेंअपनेग्राहकोंकेसाथध्वज, मिठाइयां, स्मृतिचिन्हआदिवितरितकरकेइसअवसरकोमनाया गया|

15th August 2020


Nation’s 74th Independence Day was celebrated by HPCL with hoisting of the National Flag. Flag hoisting was carried out at Corporate Headquarters, Marketing Headquarters, Mumbai & Visakh Refineries and various locations spread across the length and breadth of the Country.

The occasion was celebrated taking precautions and following all safety protocols related to Covid-19, during the current challenging times.

Retail outlets and LPG distributorships across the country celebrated the occasion with our customers by distributing flags, sweets, mementos etc.

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