Wednesday 19 August 2020

Meghna Kaur, Mumbai-based Fashion Influencer donates 18 inches of her hair for Cancer Survivors

In the age of the influencer, how does one set themselves apart? Often it's the content that draws you to them, or perhaps their sartorial choices or, often enough, even just an overall vibe. Sometimes, it's an amalgamation of the three, as is the case with content creator Meghna Kaur (aka @shetroublemaker). Meghna Kaur, The chic influencer who resides in Mumbai had an overwhelming week as she finally did something which she has been planning on doing for almost 2 years now- Hair Donation! Yes, you heard it right. She decided to donate her hair for cancer survivors in association with "Hair for Hope" organisation. To add cherry on the cake, she also got verified on Instagram this weekend.  Guessing, the blessings of cancer survivor's rewarded her with another long-standing achievement in a form of blue tick on Instagram.

She candidly shares how she's glad that she finally had the courage to do something which was on her mind for almost 2 years now, It takes a lot of guts to do what she did considering her hair was her most beloved asset & the most loved and cherished look that her audience likes on her.

Meghna has always been a happy-go-lucky person in real life just how her Instagram feed is & amidst this pandemic, she really wanted to extend help and do something which brings hope and smile on someone's face. In a year full of uncertainties and calamities, she recently discovered this organisation called Hair for Hope. It's an organisation that brings Hopes To The Lives Of Cancer Patients. They ensure hair is converted into wigs and donated to chemo patients for a better look and living. Considering, A wig with natural hair is very expensive. Meghna also realised, besides distressing side effects of chemotherapy, cancer patients often also suffer from low self-esteem hence, chopping & throwing hair away would be criminal when it can be used to bring a smile and confidence to chemo patients. Hence, she decided to go ahead with this thoughtful deed & gathered the courage to actually do it. Meghna donated 18 inches of her hair on Saturday, 15th August 2020.

Meghna has shared her amazing transformation pictures as she went 18 inches shorter but in return proved as a blessing for some cancer patients. She urges hair donors to actively promote the concept of hair donation for a cause by posting pictures and videos of the act. If there's anything we've learnt in this pandemic, it's to help each other and be kind. We've seen people rising to help others & nothing makes me happier than in knowing that I've taken a step in doing that too & it definitely won't be the last. If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that. All it takes is few ponytails and a wig maker to make someone happy,  Hair can be gained those smiles are priceless," says Meghna.

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