Monday 17 August 2020

YouTooCanRun's 15th August Cheque distribution drive for the deceased Corona Warriors of Maharashtra Police

Today YouTooCanRun engaged in a cheque distribution drive to assist the families of deceased cops. The cheques handed over are from the accumulated contributions for the actual run ('Sanman Run') happening on 13th Sept, 2020. Below is a brief description of today's event.

On the proud occasion of 73rd Anniversary of Indian independence on 15th August, 2020, ‘Sanman Run’ by ‘YouTooCanRun’ (a charity virtual run to be conducted on 13th September in 13 cities of Maharashtra), honoured 29 families of the deceased Covid warriors from Maharashtra Police with financial assistance cheque of Rs. 10,000/- each.
Attached are the captioned images of some of the recipients of the cheques.

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