Thursday 8 September 2022

Brodha V Drops New Single ‘Forever’ Establishing Legend Status

~ Forever Features KR$NA On Popular Demand~ 

Bangalore, 8th September 2022: Bangalore based rapper Brodha V has released yet another banger entitled ‘Forever’ featuring KRSNA. Fresh off the high of ‘Bujjima’ the rapper has dropped another single on popular demand. 

The track features prominent rapper KRSNA from Delhi, the two rappers are known to share a camaraderie and Brodha V fans have been waiting in anticipation for the two rap legends to come together and drop a track together. 

Keeping in line with fan expectations the track does not disappoint. The song is slick, stylish and a ‘bar fest’ per fan responses. It is a quintessential Brodha V song that is cleverly written and stylishly shot. The song has cleverly disguised easter eggs and disses ‘Leave it to Brodha V to  hurl even insults intelligently’ chime his fans, completely thrilled with their Idol’s lyrical prowess. 

Widely considered as an OG, Brodha V is the very element with whom the fabric of hip hop in India is woven with, he represents everything that is right with hip hop in the country, a genre that is still finding its footing with the audiences, Brodha V brings his flavor and formidable ability to write and compose music that is not only entertaining but will leave you with a lot to think about. Not one to shy away from expressing what he truly feels, fans are hailing ‘Forever’ for being a lyrical verbal whiplashing they did not know they needed, but definitely deserve. 

On the simple yet complex track Brodha V, Rapper & Musician, Says “I am in a zone where I feel impossibly confident right now, I’ve been making music long enough to know exactly what my fans want, my fans had been asking for KRSNA and I to come together for the longest time, ‘Forever’ is a by product of popular demand and my camaraderie with KRSNA! Of Course we wanted to make music together but we knew there was a time and place for it, we wanted it to be perfect. I wanted to establish that its two rappers against the world, overcoming adversity, criticism and trolling together and creating lyrical magic. ‘Forever’ is a tribute to our journey which is far from over, we’ve still got a lot to do and a lot to say, and we will say it through our music.”

The track is a not so subtle commentary on the hip hop landscape in India right now. Brodha V and KRSNA exude a kind of cool confidence that is the stuff of kings which is not only aspirational but also intimidating, the chemistry between the two rappers and friends is palpable and jumps off the screen. “We created a song that is meant for the listener with an IQ, the song is proof that when two people with lyrical abilities such as I and KRSNA possess you create the kind of synergy you see in Forever” adds Rapper and Musician, Brodha V.  

Forever marks the revival of a Brodha V from the ‘Let Em Talk’ era albeit with a smooth swagger that comes with time and confidence in the fact that he knows there is no one quite like him. ‘Forever’ is not eager to make a point, Forever is a calm ultimatum to anyone who gets in his way that he is unbothered and unshakeable, a side of Brodha V no one has ever seen before. Brodha V establishes his rao mogul status by letting criticizers know he sees them, he hears them but he is far from afraid of them because he is aggressively and unapologetically proud of his legacy, the song is proof of the fact that the real face of Indian rap has mastered his craft and he knows it. 

The music video is criminally stylish, with hues of blues, reds and pinks, close up shots of the rappers looking straight into the camera which is the definition of the phrase ‘if looks could kill’.  “The focus of the music video needed to be Brodha V and KRSNA, we didn't want anything distracting from that, the song is about the fact that it's two rappers against the world, and what better way to do that other than to completely shift focus on Brodha V and KRSNA? Their larger than life attitude and cool composure was what we wanted to capture and that is exactly what we did!” adds Line Producer & Artist Manager, Manaswi M Gundi. 

Brodha V proves with this song that he is above and beyond petty beefs and drama and that his music is the only thing that matters, his confidence and new avatar have fans rejoicing and flocking to YouTube “``We've been waiting to release this song for the fans. This has been the most requested collaboration for a very long time! We are very excited for this one as this is definitely going down as one of the greatest tracks of the year in Indian hip hop.” Concludes Artist Manager & Producer, Nirmal Khona. 

 The song is already making waves on social media and is touted to be the biggest collaboration of the year in the Hip Hop industry. 

‘Forever’ is available to listen to and stream on all streaming platforms. 

Song Link: 

About Brodha V: 

A classical twist to rap music, while the combination of the two genres seems unlikely, Vighnesh Shivanand, popularly known as Brodha V, has mastered the art of adding Carnatic flair to quintessential rap. Considered one of India’s best rappers, Brodha V is loved for his unique style of blending Rap Music with Indian classical and folk genres. Brodha V’s love for going beyond the conventional is evident in his multifaceted style of music that infuses local flavors in the fabric of rap.

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