Sunday 4 June 2023

EsselWorld Bird Park to educate its patrons on various Plant species this World Environment Day

Mumbai, 5th June 2023: Every year, thousands of people sow millions of seeds and plants around the world-on-World Environment Day every year. However, do you know about the kind of plants that you bed out and grow and how does it contribute to the environment? This year, head to EsselWorld Bird Park on 5th June 2023 where the bird handlers team will be holding a special session on plants and trees, their role in our environment and how one can be part of conservation by simply tweaking smaller changes, which will help you to understand how a community can come together to contribute to the environment.

The 2-acre space which has been created for India’s first exotic and interactive bird park also hosts 65 species of special plants and trees, thereby presents a perfectly suited lush green habitat for the birds that also represents a nature interpretation centre. These plants and trees that have been brought to the Park which are also seen in the tropical forests, help in building a perfect ecological system within the Park and are a huge support for the Birds. The Park is not only limited to Birds but also has a variety of spiders, snails, reptiles, insects, bugs each of them bring a major positive impact to the Environment. Here are some of the plant species that you’d be educated about-

1)Pongamia Pinnata:

Pongamia Pinnata is one of the few Nitrogen fixing trees (NFTS) that produces seeds containing 30-40% of oil. It is often planted as an ornamental and shade tree. This species is commonly called pongam, karanga. The role of nitrogen-fixing bacteria is to provide the plants with vital nutrient that they cannot obtain from the air themselves. Nitrogen Fixing microorganisms do what crops can’t-get assimilative Nitrongen for them.

2) Pride of India:

Profusion of large, dark pink to lavender blooms appear in dense, foot-long, terminal panicles, making Jarul tree a spectacular specimen to look at. Putting out brilliant displays of the glorious bright flowers, the tree attracts large numbers of bees, butterflies and birds. The seeds of these trees are very highly nutritious for the birds and support them during the monsoon period which is their breeding season. Additionally, these trees are also considered to be one of the those trees that give coolness and calmness under its shade.

3) Cobra Fern:

Asplenium Nidus Cobra is a hard fern plant that is usually found in tropical climate region. They server a purpose for the birds to nest. They also remediate the contaminated soil. Ferns show active presence of bio-diversity.

4) Bottle brush Tree:

There are approximately 35 known bottlebrush species belonging to the myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Bottlebrush plants originate from Australia and arrived in Europe in 1789. One of the most well-known Callistemon species is the crimson bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus), an evergreen that reaches up to 7 m high in its natural habitat in Australia which has also been planted at the Bird Park. Bottlebrush plants also grow into stately bushes in Mediterranean regions. In temperate climates, on the other hand, they only reach up to about 3 m high. They grow as upright shrubs or small trees with overhanging branches and bloom continually throughout up to four flowering periods between May and September. Bottlebrush flowers form cylindrical clusters which are arranged in spikes and have numerous long stamens projecting vertically outward. They resemble the end of a bottle brush cleaner, hence the name.

Birds drink the nectar from the seeds of the flowers and end up pollinating the seeds. These seeds are also highly nutritious for the birds.  

5) Tamarind Tree:

The tamarind tree produces brown, pod-like fruits that contain a sweet, tangy pulp, which is used in cuisines around the world. The pulp is also used in traditional medicine and as a metal polish. The tree's wood can be used for woodworking and tamarind seed oil can be extracted from the seeds. Apart from its medicinal properties to humans, they prevent atherosclerosis (a type of disease) in birds.

6) Russelia:

The roselle plant, also known as firecracker plant, is well known for its fleshy calyces that are used to make a beverage that tastes like Ribena. The drink reportedly possesses anti-hypertensive, diuretic and mild laxative properties, and contains abundant amounts of natural antioxidants such as vitamin C and anthocyanins. Studies suggest the plant is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, anti-diabetic, anti-malarial, hair growth promoter and voice enhancer in avian species.

Where: EsselWorld Bird Park

What: World Environment Day

Time: All day

Date: 5th June 2023

Entry: Rs. 575 (Adults / kids)

Booking Link:

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