Friday 14 August 2020

Renowned MD Radiologist, Dr. Sunita Dube along with a team of 5000 doctors will be introducing, ‘WE DOCTORS DIGI HEALTH CARD’ in India

~ Listen to the Voice of Doctors ~

August 2020, Mumbai; Doctors around the globe have been working very hard in order to contain the virus since the past 5 months. Earlier this year, in February, when coronavirus started taking gigantic proportions, engulfing one country after another, Dr Sunita Dube, MD Radiologist & Healthcare Entrepreneur and the Founder of MedscapeIndia stood up and took stock of the situation. Realising the seriousness of the situation, and also the fact that doctors, the first in the line of defence, too would be vulnerable to the disease, Dr. Dube began a nation-wide campaign called, ‘WE DOCTORS’, to help her community. In India, the challenges of COVID-19 are exacerbated by the density of population, poverty, lack of education and hygiene culture. To help the public and support those on the frontline, over 10,000 healthcare professionals via MedscapeIndia have actively joined the nationwide ‘WE DOCTORS’ healthcare campaign.

With the success of ‘WE DOCTORS’ campaign, Dr. Dube being the driving force along with a team of 5000 doctors will be introducing, ‘WE DOCTORS DIGI HEALTH CARD’ in India – a lifelong health card. The entire program is developed by Dolphiin Healthcare along with highly committed associates.

The card will act as an access to the collaborative platform by healthcare professionals with an aim to offer 24/7 healthcare support to people via modern technology infrastructure and data-driven-approach. We Doctors Digi Health Card will be available on

In the first phase, they will issue 1 million DHCs with the first lot of 10,000 cards in the national MedscapeIndia Awards on 10th October, 2020. Every DHC user comes with an individual unique health ID and avails healthcare consulting hours with our network of 5000 doctors.

This initiative is sure to take India to global, and bring global to local.

This health card will uniquely identify an individual and will connect him/her to all facilities available on the platform. The aim is to onboard healthcare workers on the platform by 2030. Dr. Dube’s vision and Mission Wellness 2030 is not just a 10-year plan, it’s a vision to make India a healthy nation and the leading country in the medical spaceIndividuals can access doctors' global network, and get their opinion from anywhere in the world through Digi Health Card.  They can also avail all physical facilities in a digital way.

Our Honourable Prime Minister has always supported strengthening initiatives in healthcare. With the launch of WE DOCTORS & FIT INDIA Wellness Mission 2030, we aim to create and raise health and wellness awareness in masses, and provide easy and affordable medical support. We strive to make our country a leading nation in the Wellness and Healthcare sector with the vision of creating a Healthy Nation: Physically, Intellectually and Mentally. To bring about a change in society, has always been Dr. Dube’s motive for all these years. She wishes to contribute to our country becoming a safe, healthy and a wonderful place for people to live in and she has a plan for the same with the Mission Wellness 2030.

We Doctors Digi Health Card will consist of an Individual's all health records that will be securely saved in a cloud platform. All data will be encrypted, and data will be associated with the unique card number. Same card can be used to book appointments, get medicine, get lab reports, get blood from blood banks. Individuals can share their health records for a limited period with consent validated via OTP. The idea is to offer every individual of the planet with easy access to health query addressal and guidance for better health by taking into account their key healthcare concerns, challenges, environment and social conditions. Leveraging on the modern technology infrastructure We Doctors will redefine how both patients and doctors receive and deliver medical care by helping every individual, family and community to quickly consult, diagnose and monitor health related problems with the right expert at the right time.

Broadly speaking the key agenda of the We Doctors Platform being;

1.       Offering 24/7 doctors support to the globe through the network of five hundred plus thousand doctors ready to serve the humanity

2.       Protect Healthcare Professionals - Every doctor deserves safety while working, whether it is a private, government or general practitioner from COVID-1

3.       Build tech enabled healthcare solution platform to provide guidance & counselling required for achieving COVID 19 free Worl

4.       A determined effort to facilitate collaboration between general practitioners and specialists including hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, pathologies and the people who need any hel

We Doctors plan to issue the Digi Health Cards to every individual through a series of events and health awareness campaigns to be broadcasted on the platform in collaboration with social media channels like Facebook and YouTube. Healthcare workers will be able to access the health history of the patient and can make better decisions. Once again, access will be provided based on the individual's consent for a limited period

Commenting on the launch Dr. Sunita Dube said, “I want India to prioritise the wellness sector which is why I have come up with Wellness Mission 2030. With the launch of We Doctors Digi Health Card we will aim at providing our best services. The Digi Health Card will enable every individual to store and access their digital health records in a single place throughout their life, in any city or country. As someone who has been in the field for about 17 years, in my opinion this Wellness Mission 2030 will bring about a change in the way India will look at the Healthcare and Wellness sector. Infectious diseases will continue to emerge, but a vigorous program of capacity building will prepare the world to respond better than we have so far to the pandemic.”

While we are all thinking about the post pandemic world, Dr. Sunita Dube, one of the most prominent personalities in the healthcare industry, already has in place the agenda that can help to achieve the goals towards the society.

About MedscapeIndia, a brainchild of Aryan Medical and Educational Trust is a non-profit organization working relentlessly towards community welfare since 2006. MedscapeIndia is focused to bring the entire healthcare community on one platform and work towards development in the wellness sector to create an environment for the medical community to network, share and receive wide-ranging reliable medical news and reports.

With colleagues at Aryan Hospital and MedscapeIndia, Dr. Dube has helped treat a number of patients and has come up with different initiatives to help the people. Medscape India has worked for various awareness campaigns such as Save the Girl Child, HIV Awareness, Preventive medical camps, breast cancer awareness, FIT INDIA campaign and many more. Medscape India has worked for various awareness campaigns such as Save the Girl Child, HIV Awareness, Preventive medical camps, Breast Cancer Awareness, Doctors’ legible Handwriting campaign, World’s first Doctors’ Anthem, Anokhee Pahal, FIT INDIA campaign, Annual Televised MedscapeIndia Awards and many more.

Dr. Sunita Dube launched ‘WE DOCTORS’ campaign with her MedscapeIndia team with an aim to help the ground people especially affected by the virus, simultaneously helping the doctors by acquiring and providing them with safety gadgets like the PPE kit, sanitizers, masks, etc. ‘WE DOCTORS’ is a platform that is a voice of doctors, it speaks for the doctors and the issues faced by them on various fronts. To help the doctors financially, Dr. Dube made arrangements to get better insurance deals for them and other health workers who are working endlessly and putting their life at risk in order to help people get better.

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