Friday 14 October 2022

Appointment of Arvind Chari, as CIO -Q India (UK) Ltd, an affiliate of Quantum Advisors Pvt Ltd

 Starting September 1, I have taken over as the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of Q India (UK) Ltd, an affiliate of Quantum Advisors Pvt Ltd.

As you are aware, Quantum offers and manages India Dedicated money across Equity, Fixed Income, Real Estate and Private Equity for global long-term Institutional investors like Pensions, Endowments, SWFs, etc.

This role is to move closer to the clients as well as to help diversify the growing potential of foreign investments into India and into Quantum.  

The role is to also to get a broader perspective of how institutional investors make diversified global asset allocation and in that how best to position India as a dedicated investment mandate. Being in London, which is the investing hub and is geographically positioned to look both ‘East and West’,  will allow greater insights on global money management trends and opportunities.

My role as a CIO for Quantum Advisors and now for Q India (UK) Ltd, will be to guide global institutional investors on their India asset allocation.

Over the last few years and especially so since I took over as CIO of Quantum Advisors in January 2021, I have supplemented my investing capabilities by growing into the role of being a ‘thought leader’.

Having started my career in fixed income, many of you associate me with macro and fixed income. However, launching my asset management career in a ‘start-up’ like Quantum back in 2004, allowed me the opportunity to work, interact and understand other asset classes as well. Over my years with Quantum Advisors and Quantum Mutual Fund, I have worked very closely with the Quantum Value Equity, ESG and the Real Estate research and investment teams. Having helped launch the Gold-ETF and Equity Fund of Funds and working on the multi-asset product improved my understanding of asset allocation.  

I have had the unique opportunity of speaking about Quantum, India, and Global investing to an audience of retail Indian investors of as little as 500 rupees for Quantum Mutual Fund. As well as to the CIO’s and investment teams of large institutional investors with billions of dollars under global asset allocation.

Apart from the time zone, nothing else changes . I look forward to continuing my regular interactions with you and hopefully will be able to share some global insights into issues and opportunities in India. I will be grateful with your assistance in growing my network amongst international media and your affiliates here in London.  If you ever plan to be in London, do look me up.

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