Monday 10 October 2022

Mental Health Day quote from Mr. Rajiv Bansal, Director-Operations, Global Indian International School (GIIS), India

“The emotional well-being of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children to think clearly, develop socially and learn new skills. A strong foundation in childhood can lead to a healthy, happy and productive life.

Our National Education Policy (NEP) has laid emphasis on an inclusive socio-emotional health of children. The idea is to find the most effective ways to educate our children while making them mentally, physically, and emotionally well-rounded.

GIIS is committed to the well-being of its students, and we focus on equipping them with skills that will help them deal with life stressors in a healthy manner. Nearly 0.3% students that are seeking treatment for a diagnosed mental health condition.

We at GIIS also have a full-time school counsellor who follows an open-door policy which allows students to walk in with their issues at any time. We also ensure total privacy to students in our customized individual counselling plan which is based on a comprehensive psychoanalysis and emotional assessment of the child. The school also holds workshops and webinars on a regular basis, for grade specific students. Parents also have full control of their child’s emotional happiness and knowledge of their progress,” said Mr. Rajiv Bansal, Director-Operations, Global Indian International School (GIIS), India.

Request you to kindly incorporate Mr. Rajiv Bansal’s views on Mental Health in case you are working on any Mental Health related stories

 Look forward to hear from you.

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